Right To Information
Trending Questions
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Q. The person incharge of responding to questions related to RTI in government offices is known as the .
- Rights Officer
- Information Manager
- Rights Informant
- Information Officer
Q. The Right to Information Act (RTI) was passed by the Parliament in _____.
- 2000
- 2001
- 2009
- 2005
Q. Right to information Act (RTI) is a result of ________.
- struggle of women
- people's movement
- political movement
- students demand
Q. Programmes which are undertaken to benefit the poor and remove poverty often ______ the needy.
- reach
- don't reach
- looted before they reach
- lost before they reach
Q. Before _________ there was no legal provision to take details of information.
- independence
- the implementation of 'right to education act'
- the implementation of 'right to information act' (RTI)
- implementation of 'food security act'
Q. Through ______ we can get information about a road construction contract in our city.
- public meeting
- public protest
Q. Lack of _______ is one of the major reasons for corruption.
- information
- dignity
- money
- discipline
Q. Information about the functioning of the government in the public domain makes officials more _______ in their functioning.
- corrupt
- accountable
- motivated
- committed
Q. Under RTI, a person who is asking for the information belongs to the ________ category, then he or she need not pay any amount.
- rich
- above poverty line
- below poverty line
- poor
Q. Information officer should provide information ______.
- within one year
- immediately
- whenever he/she wants
- within a specific time
Q. Under the RTI Act, it is compulsory for every_______ to declare certain information in public even without being asked by the people.
- citizen
- minister
- ministry
- government office
Q. A citizen seeks information from an office under the Right To Information Act. In case the information is not provided in the prescribed time, the person can complain to the __________.
- police
- State or Central Information Commissions
- prime minister
- minister of information
Q. An individual can get access to documents like government orders and reports through which of the following rights?
- Right to Education
- Right against Exploitation
- Right to Freedom of Religion
- Right to Information
Q. A government officer whose sole job is to respond to the questions of the public is called ______.
- an RTI officer
- the public officer
- the officer for information
- the information officer
Q. At the state and central government level there should be independent __________ .
- ministry for information
- information commissions
- committee
- minister of information
Q. In the movement for right to information, people evaluated government documents in ________.
- public meetings
- rally
- panchayat
- legislature
Q. Right To Information Act (RTI) prescribes that in every _________, there will be an officer incharge of responding to the questions of people.
- village
- government office
- city
- ministry
Q. After Rajasthan, ______ states adopted law for providing information.
- none of the
- many
- all
- very few
Q. In a democracy, people _____ the right to know where their money is being used.
- don't have
- have
- occasionally
- never have
Q. A major reason for diversion of funds meant for the poor is_________.
- indiscipline
- political gain
- misconduct
- corruption
Q. Before _________ there was no legal provision to take details of information.
- independence
- the implementation of 'right to education act'
- the implementation of 'right to information act' (RTI)
- implementation of 'food security act'
Q. "Mass participation in public movements" was the objective of _______.
- Indian Association
- All of the above
- East India Association
- Indian National Congress
Q. Choose the option which best expresses the meaning of the given word.
- Insult
- Obedience
- Indifference
- Disrespect
Q. Information about the functioning of the government in the public domain makes officials more _______ in their functioning.
- corrupt
- accountable
- motivated
- committed
Q. Right to Information is recognised within the constitution as a part of _____ fundamental rights.
- two
- three
- one
- four