Agriculture Development
Trending Questions
Q. Name the term given to growing of vegetables, flowers, and fruits for commercial use.
- Viticulture
- Horticulture
- Pisciculture
- Sericulture
Q. Name the term given to breeding of fish in specially constructed tanks and ponds.
- Horticulture
- Pisciculture
- Viticulture
- Sericulture
Q. Agriculture can be viewed as a system. Which one among the following is not an important input to agriculture?
- Seeds
- Profit
- Labour
- Fertilisers
Q. In which type of farming do the herdsmen move from place to place with their animals in search of fodder and water?
- Nomadic herding
- Commercial farming
- Shifting cultivation
- Subsistence farming
Q. Which one of the following countries is giving stiff competition to India with regard to jute production?
- Brazil
- Bangladesh
- Thailand
- Phillipines
Q. Name the type of activity that includes all those connected with extraction and production of natural resources
- Livelihood
- Tertiary
- Primary
- Secondary
Q. The plantation of which of the following crop is abundantly found in Malaysia?
- Rubber
- Coffee
- Tea
- All of the above
Q. From the given options, select the apt definition for the term "Agriculture".
- The process of preparing the land to cultivate crops and rear livestock.
- The extraction and production of resources by the nature.
- The temperature and the amount of rainfall required for certain crops to grow.
- The size of land holdings in an area.
Q. Discuss the different types of Economic activities of man.
Q. _________ includes growing of vegetables, flowers and fruits for commercial use.
- horticulture
- sericulture
- agriculture
- fishery
Choose the correct option
Assertion(A): Composite Fish Culture Involves the cultivation of different varieties of fish having the same feeding habits.
Reason (R): Different varieties of fish utilize different areas of the same pond for their feed.
Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.
A is true but R is false.
A is false but R is true.
Which soil is found in the Deccan plateau?
Red and Yellow
Q. What are food crops? Write a detailed note on the crops: Rice, wheat, and maize.
Which of the following soil is best suitable for the growth of wheat?
Q. Ladang is the name given to shifting cultivation in __________.
- Mexico
- Phillipines
- Vietnam
- Indonesia
Q. what is the difference between jhum cultivation and shifting cultivation?
Q. Which of the following is an important input for agriculture?
- Machinery
- Labour
- All of the above
- Fertilisers
Q. Name the type of activity that includes all those connected with extraction and production of natural resources.
- Livelihood
- Tertiary
- Primary
- Secondary
What is mariculture?
Q. Shifting cultivation in north-east India is called ______________.
- Milpa
- Roca
- Jhumming
- Ladang
Q. Which of the following soil is best suitable for the growth of wheat?
- Black
- Alluvial
- Loam
- Clay
Q. Why does jute grow so well in the Sunderbans area?
Q. ________ is the commercial rearing of silk worms.
- Horticulture
- Pisciculture
- Agriculture
- Sericulture
Q. What is shifting agriculture also known as?
- Hack and grow method
- Slash and smoke method
- Slash and burn method
- Slash and hack method