Surface Area of a Cylinder
Trending Questions
The diameter of a roller is 84 cm and its length is 120cm. It takes 500 complete revolutions moving once over to level a playground. What is the area of the playground?
The lateral surface area of a hollow cylinder is 4224cm2. It is cut along its height and formed a rectangular sheet of width 33 cm. Find the perimeter of rectangular sheet?
The radii of two cylinders are in the ratio of 2:3 and their heights are in the ratio 5:3. Calculate the ratio of their curved surface areas.
A company packages its milk powder in a cylindrical container whose base has a diameter of 14 cm and height 20 cm. The company places a label on the surface of the container (as shown in the figure). If the label is placed 2 cm from top and bottom, what is the area of the label?

A rectangular sheet of paper 44cm×20cm, is rolled along its length to form a cylinder. Find the total surface area of the cylinder thus generated.
The capacity of a closed cylindrical vessel of height 1 m is 15.4 L.
How many square metres of metal sheet would be needed to make it?
Find the curved surface area and total surface area of a cylinder, the diameter of whose base is 7cm and height is 60cm.
The radius and height of a cylinder are in the ratio 7 : 2. If the volume of the cylinder is 8316cm3, find the total surface area of the cylinder.
A rectangular strip 25cm×7cm is rotated about the longer side. Find the total surface area of the solid thus generated.
The volume of a cylinder of height 8 cm is 1232cm3. Find its curved surface area and the total surface area.
A cylindrical vessel open at the top has diameter 20cm and height 14cm. Find the cost of the tin- plating it on the inside at the rate of 50 paise per hundred square centimetre.
A closed cylindrical tank of diameter 14 m and height 5 m is made from a sheet of metal. How much sheet of metal will be required?
Question 12
If the radius of a cylinder is tripled but its curved surface area is unchanged, then its height will be
(a) tripled (b) constant
(c) one-sixth (d) one-third
Find the height of a cylinder whose radius is 7 m and total surface area is 968 m2.
7 m
9 m
10 m
15 m
The ratio of the total surface area to the lateral surface area of a cylinder whose radius is 20 cm and height 60 cm, is
(a) 2:1
(b) 3:2
(c) 4:3
(d) 5:3
A road roller takes 750 complete revolutions to move once over to level a road. Find the area of the road if the diameter of a road roller is 84 cm and length 1 m.

- 2:1
- 3:2
- 4:3
- 5:3
- 616 cm2
- 924 cm2
- 2156 cm3
The height of a circular cylinder is 20 cm and the diameter of its base is 14 cm. Find:
i) Its volume
ii) Its total surface area.
The area of the base of a right circular cylinder is 616cm2 and its height is 2.5 cm. Find the curved surface area of the cylinder.
- 1:1
- 1:2
- 2:1
A closed cylindrical tank of radius 7 m and height 3 m is made from a sheet of metal.How much sheet of metal is required?
The circumference of the base of a cylinder is 88cm and its height is 15cm. Find its curved surface area and total surface area.
Question 28
If R is the radius of the base of the hat, then the total outer surface area of the hat is
a) πr(2h+R)
b) 2πr(h+R)
c) 2πrh+πR2
d) None of these
Question 44
Total surface area of a cylinder of radius h and height r is
Find the volume, curved surface area and total surface area of each of the cylinders whose dimensions are:
(i) radius of the base = 7 cm and height = 50 cm
(ii) radius of the base = 5.6 m and height = 1.25 m
(iii) radius of the base = 14 dm and height = 15 m
Find the cost of sinking a tubewell 280m deep, having 3m at the rate of Rs. 3.60 per cubic metre. Find also the cost of cementing its inner curved surface at Rs 2.50 per square metre.