Accuracy and Precision
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What are the Four Rules of Maths?
A uniform metallic wire is elongated by when subjected to a linear force . The elongation, if its length and diameter is doubled and subjected to the same force will be ________.
How do you find the zero correction?
A physical quantity depends on four observables and , as . The percentages of error in the measurement of and are and respectively. The percentage of error in is
A physical quantity is found to depend on observables and obeying relation . The percentage error in the measurement of and are and respectively. What is the percentage error in the quantity ?
In order to determine the Young’s Modulus of a wire of radius (measured using a scale of least count ) and length (measured using a scale of least count ), a weight of mass (measured using a scale of least count) was hanged to get the elongation of (measured using a scale of least count ). What will be the fractional error in the value of Young’s Modulus determined by this experiment?
A vernier calipers has marks on the main scale. It has equal divisions on the Vernier scale which match with main scale divisions. For this Vernier calipers, the least count is
In an experiment the angles are required to be measured using an instrument. 29 division of the main scale exactly coincide with the 30 division of the vernier scale. If the smallest division of the main scale is half-a-degree ( ), then the least count of the instrument is
one minute
half minute
one degree
half degree
- Accuracy and precision are independent.
- Precision increases with accuracy.
- Accuracy gives the closeness of measured value with the true value.
- Precision gives the closeness of measured value with the true value.
What is the function of a ratchet in a screw gauge?
Which of the following measurements is most precise? (a) 4.00 mm (b) 4.00 cm (c) 4.00 m (d) 40.00 m
4.00 mm
4.00 cm
4.00 m
40.00 m
In the experiment for the determination of the speed of sound in air using the resonance column method, the length of the air column that resonates in the fundamental mode, with a tuning fork is When this length is changed to the same tuning fork resonates with the first overtone. Calculate the end correction
What is the type of zero error when the vernier scale zero lies towards
(i) right of the main scale zero,
(ii) left of the main scale zero?
Is it possible to increase the degree of accuracy by mathematical manipulations? Support your answer with an example.
A wire of length and radius r is fixed at one end. When a stretching force is applied at free end, the elongation in the wire is . When another wire of same material but of length and radius is also fixed at one end is stretched by a force applied at free end, the elongation in the second wire will be?
- measured
- maximum
- apparent
- perceived
The pitch of a screw gauge is and there are divisions on its circular scale. The instrument reads divisions when nothing is put in between its jaws. In measuring the diameter of a wire, there are divisions on the main scale and divisions coincide with the reference line, then the diameter of the wire is?
Convert into .
What is meant by zero error?
- True
- False
Express as kilograms using decimals.
The thimble of a screw gauge has 50 divisions. The spindle advances 1 mm when the screw is turned through two revolutions. What is the:
a) Pitch of the screw gauge?
b) Least count of the screw gauge?
Express as kilogram using decimals.
Convert mass into ?