Calculating the Total Number of Images
Trending Questions
How many images of a candle will be formed if it is placed between two parallel plane mirrors separated by 40 cm?
If two mirrors are kept inclined to each other at an angle of 60 degrees, the number of images of the object formed is:
Remains the same
Large or small epending on the person's age
If two plane mirrors are kept inclined to each other at an angle of 60 degrees, the number of images of the object formed is:
Remains the same
Large or small epending on the person's age
Two plane mirrors are set at right angles to each other. A coin is placed in-between these two plane mirrors. How many images of the coin will be seen?
- 32
- 23
- 22
- 33
As the angle between two plane mirrors is decreased gradually, the number of images of an object placed between them:
(a) increases gradually
(b) decreases gradually
(c) first increases then decreases
(d) first decreases then increases
How many images of a candle will be formed if it is placed between two parallel plane mirrors separated by 40 cm?
Explain why the intensity of images keeps on decreasing when multiple reflections take place.
How many images of an object will be formed when the object is placed between two plane mirrors which are inclined at the following angles to one another?
(a) 120∘ (b) 45∘ (c) 180∘ (d) 60∘ (e) 90∘
The number of images formed of an object placed between two plane mirrors inclined at right angles to each other is:
(a) two
(b) five
(c) one
(d) three
What will be the number of images formed when an object is placed between two parallel plane mirrors facing each other ?
- 1
- 2
- 4
- 3
- 5
- 4
- 2
- Infinite
Question 20 (b)
Boojho planned an activity to observe an object A through pipes as shown in figure, so that he could see objects which he could not directly see.
Indicate the positions of the mirrors in the figure.
Why are infinite images not seen when two plane mirrors are facing each other.
- 5
- 4
- 2
- Infinite
- 90o
- 45o
- 60o
- 75o
How to find out Noor images in multiple reflection?
Two plane mirrors are inclined at $ {70}^{\circ }$. A ray incident on one mirror at an angle $ \theta $, after reflection, falls on the second mirror and is reflected from there parallel to the first mirror. The value of $ \theta $ is:
Total number of images formed by 2 mirrors placed at an angle of θ is (360∘θ), where θ is the angle between two mirrors.
- 2
- 1
- 3
- None
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 2
Reason: For a given system of mirrors the total number of images formed due to successive reflection is equal to either 360oθ or 360oθ−1 accordingly as 360oθ is odd or even respectively.

- If both Assertion 'and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanation of Assertion
- If both Assertion and Reason are correct, but Reason is not the correct explanation of Assertion
- If Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect
- If Assertion is incorrect but Reason is correct
- 5
- 2
- 3
- 1
- Parallel to each other.
- Perpendicular to each other.
- At angle 60∘ to each other
- At angle 120∘ to each oother
- 0
- 2
- Infinite
- 1