Charging by Rubbing
Trending Questions
Explain Quantisation of charge
When a glass rod is rubbed with a piece of silk cloth, then :
(a) the glass rod and silk cloth both acquire the positive charge.
(b) the glass rod becomes positively charged while the silk cloth has a negative charge.
(c) the glass rod and silk cloth both acquire the negative charge.
(d) the glass rod becomes negatively charged while the silk cloth has a positive charge.
Why does a plastic comb rubbed with dry hair attract tiny pieces of paper?
What causes the charging of two objects when they are rubbed together?
An ebonite rod is rubbed with fur. Explain the charging of the ebonite rod and the fur on the basis of electron movement.
- No charge is induced in the leaves
- Positive charge is induced in both the leaves
- Negative charge is induced in both the leaves
- Positive charge is induced in one leaf and negative in the other
When an ebonite rod is rubbed with silk, the charge acquired by the rod is
Can't say
Explain the theory of electrification by friction.
What is amber?
Explain why, a glass rod can be charged by rubbing when held by hand but an iron rod cannot be charged by rubbing, if held by hand.
A glass rod is rubbed with a silk cloth and an inflated rubber balloon is rubbed with a woollen cloth.
Now, out of glass rod, silk cloth, rubber balloon and woollen cloth:
(a) Which two objects acquire negative charge?
(b) Which two objects acquire positive charge?
Question 4
Sometimes, a crackling sound is heard while taking off a sweater during winters. Explain.
What causes the electrification of two bodies when they are rubbed together?
Can Insulators be charged?
Which of the following cannot be charged easily by friction?
A plastic scale
A copper rod
An inflated balloon
A woolen cloth
What type of electric charge is acquired by a rubber balloon when rubbed with a woollen cloth?
How will you charge a glass rod by the method of friction?
- Static
- Mobile
- Positive
- Negative
A glass rod acquires positive charges when it is rubbed with……………….
Explain why, sometimes when we take off the woollen sweater or a polyester shirt in a dark room, we can see tiny sparks of light and hear a crackling sound.
How will you charge a plastic comb (plastic scale or plastic pen) by the method of friction?
How will you charge an inflated rubber balloon by the method of friction ?
Charging a metal sphere by contact using a positively charged rod, followed by grounding can result in ________ charge in a metal sphere.
Who discovered the way of producing electricity by friction?
Select the correct alternative:
(a) when a glass rod is rubbed with the dry silk cloth, the charge acquired by the silk cloth is :
(i) positive
(ii) negative
(iii) both positive and negative
(iv) none of the above.
(b) When an ebonite rod is rubbed with fur, the rod acquires:
(i) positive charge
(ii) negative charge
(iii) no charge
(iv) none of the above.
(c) When a negatively charged body is brought closer to another negatively charged body, then they will show :
(i) attraction
(ii) no effect
(iii) repulsion
(iv) none of the above.
(d) Charging a conductor by bringing another charged conductor close to it without touching is called :
(i) induction (ii) conduction
(iii) convection (iv) radiation.
(e) The factor responsible for charging a conductor is :
(i) transfer of protons
(ii) transfer of neutrons
(iii) transfer of electrons
(iv) transfer of protons and electrons.
(f) Two objects when rubbed together get charged.The charges on them are:
(i) equal and opposite
(ii) equal and similar
(iii) unequal and similar
(iv) unequal and opposite
(g) When a glass rod is rubbed with silk, the glass rod and the silk get charged because:
(i) electrons are transferred from the silk to the glass rod
(ii) electrons are transferred from the glass rod to the silk.
(iii) protons are transferred from the silk to the glass rod.
(iv) protons are transferred from the glass rod to the silk.
(h) The conductor of electricity is :
(i) wood (ii) glass
(iii) ebonite (iv) human body
(i) A gold leaf electroscope is to be charged positively by conduction.For this:
(i) a positively charged rod is held close to near the disc of electroscope.
(ii) a positively charged rod is placed in contact with the disc of electroscope.
(iii) a negatively charged rod is held close to near the disc of electroscope.
(iv) a negatively charged rod is touched with the disc of electroscope.
(j) A glass rod rubbed with silk is touched with the disc of negatively charged gold leaf electroscope.The divergence of leaves will:
(i) decrease
(ii) increase
(iii) remain unchanged
(iv) first decreases and then increases.
(k) The rod in gold leaf electroscope is made up of:
(i) wood (ii) brass
(iii) glass (iv) ebonite
(l) Lighting conductor is made up of :
(i) copper (ii) glass
(iii) ebonite (iv) wood
- Electron
- Proton
- Neutron
- None of these
A glass rod rubbed with silk is suspended near an ebonite rod rubbed with fur. What will be your observation? Give a reason for your answer.
Question 01
Which of the following cannot be charged easily by friction?
(a) A plastic scale
(b) A copper rod
(c) An inflated balloon
(d) A woollen cloth.
- They acquire equal and opposite charges.
- They acquire equal and identical charges.
- They do not acquire any charge.
- They acquire opposite charges but in different amounts depending upon their masses.
A glass rod is rubbed with silk cloth. What type of charge is acquired by (a) silk cloth, (b) glass rod?