First Law of Motion
Trending Questions
- frictional
- gravitational
- magnetic
Why are tips and edges of cutting and piercing tools made sharp?
Why is a sharp knife more effective in cutting fruit than a blunt knife?
- come to rest
- accelerate non-uniformly
- accelerate uniformly
- remains in its state of motion (rest or moving with constant velocity)
What is dynamics and kindematics?
State true or false.
The moon's motion around the earth involves first law of motion and uniform motion.
Case II: A block of mass 1 kg is placed on a rough horizontal surface and another identical block is kept over it.
Choose the correct statement.
- Static friction acting in case I is greater than that in case II.
- Static friction acting in case I is less than that in case II.
- Static friction acting in case I is equal to that in case II and is non-zero.
- No friction is acting in both cases.
Which of the following examples can be explained using Newton's first law of motion
People in moving bus tend to fall forward if brakes are applied suddenly.
Magnets attract each other.
When a car takes a sudden turn to the left, objects in it tend to fall outwards.
None of these
- Easy to carry
- Easy to design by a blacksmith
- For beautification
- Provide more pressure to cut
What is Meant by Inertia?
- Fluid friction depends on the shape of the moving object.
- Fluid friction always opposes the relative motion.
- Fluid friction does not depend on the nature of the medium.
- Fluid friction increases with an increase in relative speed.
Is a force required to keep a body moving
- True
- False
- True
- False
On what factors does the friction on an object depends in a fluid? [3 MARKS]
- True
- False
- True
- False
The natural tendency of objects is to resist a change in their state of rest or uniform motion. The resistance to change of state of motion or rest is termed as
- Force is acting on the ball downwards.
- Force is acting on the ball upwards.
- Force is acting on the ball sideways.
- No force is acting on the ball.
- True
- False
- no
- static
- sliding
- moment of inertia.
- angular momentum.
- angular velocity.
- rotational kinetic energy.
- False
- True
- True
- False
What are the characterstics of rotaional movement
- True
- False
a) Why can't we hammer a nail by its head on the wood?
b) A sharp knife cuts better than a blunt knife.
[3 marks]
Newton's first law of motion can also be referred to as
Law of inertia
Law of forces
Law of momentum
None of these
- False
- True