Trending Questions
- 365 days
- 227 days
- 450 days
- 687 days
Does Pluto have any moons? How many moons?
- 4
- 3
- 2
- 5
Why don't we consider Pluto as a planet
- Deimos
- Moon
- Titan
- Phobos
- Mars
- Venus
- Mercury
- Earth
How many moon(s) does Mars have?
- saturn
- mars
- jupiter
- venus
Question 4 (a)
The planet which is farthest from the sun is _________.
Question 4 (b)
The planet which appears reddish in colour is _________.
- Mars
- Venus
- Mercury
- Earth
Earth takes 365 days to revolve around the Sun, whereas, Mars takes 687 days to complete one revolution around the Sun. Why does Mars take more time than earth to complete its revolution around the Sun?
Can't be said
Earth is bigger than Mars
Mars is bigger than Earth
Mars is at a greater distance from the Sun than Earth is
- 2
- 10
- 0
- 5
Which chatacteristics of Mars distinguishes it from other planets?
- The Sun
- Planets and comets
- Asteroids and meteors
- The Milky Way
- Mercury
- Venus
- Mars
- Jupiter
How many moon/s does Mars have?
- Meteoroid
- Comet
- Asteroid
- Moon
State Keplers law of planetary motion.
- True
- False
Considering a hypothetical situation where Ram, while going to mars promises Shyam to return after completion of one year. Shyam was on earth and was waiting for Ram to return, but after 365 days he didnt come. He came after 687 days from mars. Why?
How many Earth years does it take for Mars to go around the Sun?
Name the American astronaut who landed on the moon for the first time.
Neil Armstrong
Tenzing Norgay
Bachendri Pal
Edwin Aldrin
Two comets orbit the sun. One comet travels miles per hour and the other comet travels miles per hour. What is the most efficient way to calculate the difference in the distances traveled by the comets for any given number of minutes? Justify your answer.