Normal Force
Trending Questions
A man getting down a running bus falls forward because
Due to inertia of rest, road is left behind and man reaches forward
Due to inertia of motion upper part of the body continues to be in motion in forward direction while feet come to rest as soon as they touch the road
He leans forward as a matter of habit
Of the combined effect of all the three factors stated in (a), (b) and (c)
How does Newtons 3rd law apply to rockets?
Which of the following is not a derived quantity?
The floor area of a room
The height of a room
The volume of air in a room
The weight of air in a room

- Upward direction
- Downward direction
- Right direction
- Net force is zero.
A man having a box on his head, climbs up a slope and another man having an identical box walks the same distance on a levelled road. Who does more work against the force of gravity and why?
A body of mass 1.0 kg initially at rest is moved by a horizontal force of 0.5 N on a smooth table. Calculate the work done by the force in 10 s and show that it is equal to the change
in K.E. of the body.
What is the amount of work done by a weight-lifter in holding a weight of 100 kg on his shoulders for 40 s?
if a stationary bus was suddenly speed up passenger are thrown in backward direction why is it so
If it is because of inertia then which type of inertia
If we are seated inside a Bus at rest and the Bus suddenly starts, we tend to fall back. Why ?
An object weighs 20 newtons when measured on the surface of the earth. What is its weight when measured on the surface of the moon?
Why Spring Force Is Non Impulsive

- 100 Pa
- 60 Pa
- 120 Pa
- 80 Pa
When will the force of friction acting on a moving car be more -on rainy day or sunny day
Why are the cutting edges of Pliers smaller than the cutting edges of Scissors?
A stone of 2 kg is thrown with a velocity of 20 ms−1 across the frozen surface of a lake and comes to rest after travelling a distance of 100 m. Calculate the frictional force between the stone and the ice.
(-) 2 N
Two point charges + q and -2q are placed at the vertices B and C of an equilateral triangle ABC of side a as given in the figure. Obtain the expression for the direction of the resultant electric field at the vertex A due to these two charges.
- α=200
- α=900
- α=700
- α=300
Estimate the mass of the moon if the value of acceleration due to gravity on its surface is 1.6 ms-2 and its radius is 1800 km. Given that G = 6.67 x 10-11 Nm2 kg-2.
Calculate the distance through which a tonga moves when the horse applies a force of and the work done is .
- 30 kg
- 200 kg
- 20 kg
- 300 kg
A man of mass is standing in an elevator. If the elevator is moving up with an acceleration then what is the work one by normal reaction of the floor of the elevator on the man when elevator moves by a distance 12m?
8000 J
6000 J
4000 J
2000 J
- Production
- Propagation
- Hearing
How do space vehicles apply action and reaction forces to blast off?
- 1000 N
- 25000 N
- 10000 N
- 5000 N