Trending Questions
- prophase
- telophase
- metaphase
- anaphase
The period between two cell divisions is called
- Interphase
- G1 Phase
- Prophase
(b) From the phases mentioned in (a) select the phase that is characterized by the following:
(i) The chromosomes arrange themselves upon the equator of the spindle.
(ii) The nucleoli and the nuclear membrane disappear.
(iii) The nucleolus reappears.
(iv) The sister chromatids undergo mutual repulsion and split longitudinally into two halves.
(v) The centrioles divide and move toward the poles.
(vi) Migration of the sister chromatids toward the poles is initiated. [5 MARKS]
Spindle fibres disappear in which stage of meiosis?
What is the plane of alignment of chromosomes at the metaphase called?
- Prophase
- Metaphase
- Telophase
- Anaphase
Early anaphase in mitosis is characterized by the:
Division of centromere in each chromosome
All of these
Separation of homologous chromosome
Contraction of continuous fibres
- nucleolus
- cell membrane
- spindle fibres
- centomere
Which of the following happens during Metaphase?
Chromatids are pulled to the opposite poles
Chromatids reach the opposite poles
Chromosomes align themselves along the equatorial plane
Spindle fibres are formed

- Metaphase, Telophase
- Telophase, Metaphase
- Late Anaphase, Prophase
- Prophase, Anaphase
During which phase do the daughter cells get one chromosome of each homologous pair?
Anaphase II of Meiosis II
Anaphase of mitosis
Anaphase I of Meiosis I
Which one of the following is the correct sequence of sub-stages in prophase - I of meiosis?
Leptotene — Diplotene — Zygotene — Diakinesis — Pachytene
Leptotene — Pachytene — Zygotene — Diplotene — Diakinesis
Leptotene — Zygotene — Pachytene — Diplotene — Diakinesis
Leptotene — Zygotene — Pachytene — Diakinesis — Diplotene
Match the stages of mitosis listed in column I with the important events pertaining to respective stages given under column II; and choose the answer which gives the correct combination of alphabets of the two columns:
Column I Stages of mitosis Column II Important eventsAInterphasepEquatorial plate formationBMetaphaseqDaughter chromosomes move to opposite polesCAnaphaserCentrioles divde sSynthetic phase
A = s, B = p, C = q
A = r, B = s, C = p
A = s, B = q, C = p
A = s, B = r, C = p
Identify the stage of mitosis by inspecting the image and key changes listed.
Key changes:
* Splitting of centromere.
* Chromosomes move towards poles.
* Cell constriction appears.
- Prophase
- Metaphase
- Anaphase
- Telophase
Identify the stage of mitosis by inspecting the image and key changes listed.
Key changes:
* Splitting of centromere.
* Chromosomes move towards poles.
* Cell constriction appears.
- Leptotene
- Zygotene
- Pachytene
- All of the above
Match the stages of mitosis listed in column I with the important events pertaining to respective stages given under column II; and choose the answer which gives the correct combination of alphabets of the two columns:
Column I Stages of mitosis Column II Important eventsAInterphasepEquatorial plate formationBMetaphaseqDaughter chromosomes move to opposite polesCAnaphaserCentrioles divde sSynthetic phase
A = s, B = r, C = p
A = r, B = s, C = p
A = s, B = q, C = p
A = s, B = p, C = q
The phase of the shortest duration is
What are monopolin?
2.Chromosomes move towards poles.
3.Cell constriction appears.
Match the stages of mitosis listed in column I with the important events pertaining to respective stages given under column II; and choose the answer which gives the correct combination of alphabets of the two columns:
Column I Stages of mitosis Column II Important eventsAInterphasepEquatorial plate formationBMetaphaseqDaughter chromosomes move to opposite polesCAnaphaserCentrioles divde sSynthetic phase
A = s, B = p, C = q
A = s, B = r, C = p
A = r, B = s, C = p
A = s, B = q, C = p
Which stages of cell division do the following figures A and B represent, respectively?
Telophase and Metaphase
Late Anaphase and Prophase
Prophase and Anaphase
Metaphase and Telophase

- prophase 1
- anaphase 1
- metaphase 1
- metaphase 2
Shown below are four stages (A, B, C, D) (not in sequence) of a certain kind of cell division.
(a) Is it a plant cell or an animal cell? Give two
(b) Is it undergoing mitosis or meiosis?
(c) What should be the correct sequence of these four stages among themselves?
(d) Name the stage that should precede the earliest of these stages
(e) Draw the stage named above inside the blank space provided.
- Leptotene
- Zygotene
- Pachytene
- Diplotene