Trending Questions
Q. (i) How does carbon dioxide from the air enter the leaves of a plant to be used in photosynthesis?
When we breathe in air, nitrogen also goes inside along with oxygen. What is the fate of nitrogen?
All living organisms respire.
Q. Name the type of respiration in which the end products are :
(c) Lactic acid
Give one example of each case where such a respiration can occur.
(c) Lactic acid
Give one example of each case where such a respiration can occur.
Q. Which of the following is not produced during anaerobic respiration in unicellular fungus?
- H2O
- C2H5OH
- CO2
Q. During exhalation, diaphragm moves ___ towards the chest cavity.
- left
- up
- down
- right
Q. (a) Define nutrition. Why is nutrition necessary for an organism?
Q. What happens when we exhale (breathe out)?
- The diaphragm contracts and moves upwards
- The diaphragm relaxes and moves upwards
- The diaphragm relaxes and moves downwards
- None of these
Q. What are the different ways in which glucose is oxidised to provide energy in various organisms? Give one example of each.
Q. Name the substance whose build up in the muscles during vigorous physical exercise may cause cramps.
Q. Name the following :
(i) End product of starch after digestion
(i) End product of starch after digestion
Q. is the physical process of exchange of gases between the body and the external environment.
- Respiration
- Breathing
- Circulation
- Excretion
Q. The process of removal of harmful metabolic wastes from the body is called .
- excretion
- circulation
- digestion
Q. During the process of exhalation, move/s down and inwards, while diaphragm moves .
- trachea
- ribs
- inwards
- upwards
Why do we often sneeze when we inhale a lot of dust-laden air?
Q. (a) Give the main points of difference between respiration in plants and respiration in animals.
Q. During the respiration of an organism A, 1 molecule of glucose produces 2 ATP molecules whereas, in the respiration of another organism B, 1 molecule of glucose produces 38 ATP molecules.
(c) Which type of organism, A or B, can convert glucose into alcohol ?
(c) Which type of organism, A or B, can convert glucose into alcohol ?
Q. State the three common features of all the respiratory organs like skin, gills and lungs.
Q. What is breathing rate? What is the normal breathing rate for human beings? How does it vary?
Q. Write a short note on tissue respiration
Q. This section contains 1 Assertion-Reason type question, which has 4 choices (a), (b), (c) and (d) out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
इस खण्ड में 1 कथन-कारण प्रकार का प्रश्न है, जिसमें 4 विकल्प (a), (b), (c) तथा (d) दिये गये हैं, जिनमें से केवल एक सही है।
A : Oxidising-reducing reactions are some of the most common chemical means to breakdown molecules.
A : उपचयन-अपचयन अभिक्रियाएँ अणुओं के विघटन की कुछ सामान्य रासायनिक युक्तियाँ हैं।
R : The process of acquiring oxygen from outside the body and to use it in the process of breakdown of food is called respiration.
R : शरीर के बाहर से ऑक्सीजन को ग्रहण करना व खाद्य पदार्थ के विघटन में उसका उपयोग श्वसन कहलाता है।
इस खण्ड में 1 कथन-कारण प्रकार का प्रश्न है, जिसमें 4 विकल्प (a), (b), (c) तथा (d) दिये गये हैं, जिनमें से केवल एक सही है।
A : Oxidising-reducing reactions are some of the most common chemical means to breakdown molecules.
A : उपचयन-अपचयन अभिक्रियाएँ अणुओं के विघटन की कुछ सामान्य रासायनिक युक्तियाँ हैं।
R : The process of acquiring oxygen from outside the body and to use it in the process of breakdown of food is called respiration.
R : शरीर के बाहर से ऑक्सीजन को ग्रहण करना व खाद्य पदार्थ के विघटन में उसका उपयोग श्वसन कहलाता है।
- Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(A) तथा (R) दोनों सही हैं तथा (R), (A) का सही स्पष्टीकरण है - Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(A) तथा (R) दोनों सही हैं लेकिन (R), (A) का सही स्पष्टीकरण नहीं है - (A) is true but (R) is false
(A) सही है लेकिन (R) गलत है - (A) is false but (R) is true
(A) गलत है लेकिन (R) सही है
Q. Human beings exchange gases with the atmosphere with the help of lungs.
- True
- False
Q. During inhalation, the volume of the chest cavity ________while the diaphragm _______.
- increases, contracts
- decreases, contracts
- decreases, expands
- increases, expands
Q. The breathing rate of an adult at exercise and rest respectively will be
- 25 and 18 times per minute
- 18 and 25 times per minute
- 35 and 28 times per minute
- 28 and 35 times per minute
What are the tiny air sacs in the lungs called?
Q. Identify the organelle where cellular respiration takes place.
Q. External respiration may be called as breathing.
- True
- False
Q. The structures which prevent the collapse of air passage in human beings are found in
मनुष्यों में वायु मार्ग को निपतित होने से रोकने वाली संरचनाएँ पायी जाती हैं
मनुष्यों में वायु मार्ग को निपतित होने से रोकने वाली संरचनाएँ पायी जाती हैं
- Pharynx
ग्रसनी में - Nostrils
नासा रंध्र में - Trachea
श्वासनली में - Alveoli
कूपिका में