Trending Questions
Would a Planaria cut vertically into two halves regenerate into two individuals? Complete Figure D and E by indicating the regenerated regions.

- Budding
- Fragmentation
- Regeneration
- Fission
Ans. a) When planaria gets cut into two pieces, each of the pieces regenerate to produce individual organisms.
b) When a mature spirogyra filament attains considerable length, it splits into two or more parts. Each part grows substantially.
(I got only 1 out of 2 marks, 1/2 each)
What should I add?
Why do more complex organisms cannot give rise to new individuals through regeneration? [3 MARKS]
Describe regeneration.
Which of the following organism can show regeneration of whole new organism from a cut part of its body?
Annelids and Nematodes are bilaterally symmetrical, cylindrical in shape and triploblastic. Yet, these are divided into two groups because of the difference(s) in
- Due to different type of coelom
- Due to presence of body segmentation
- Due to presence of well developed circulatory system
- All of these
Peculiar water driven tube system is the unique feature of the following group:
What are the two types of regeneration?
give any 2 differences ?
Question 3
Can you think of reasons why more complex organisms cannot give rise to new individuals through regeneration?
- Ambystoma
- Amphilina
- Amphiuma
- Anguilla
A. Organisms with two germ layers are called:
B. Innermost germ layer in triploblastic organisms is called:
C. Jellyfish is a triploblastic organism.
- Mollusca
- Protochordata
- Echinodermata
- Planaria
- Hydra
- Both A and B
- None of the above
Question 28
Hard calcium carbonate structures are used as skeleton by
(a) Echinodermata
(b) Protochordata
(c) Arthropoda
(d) Nematoda
Solve the puzzle.
1. In leech, excretion takes place by segmentally arranged paired tubules called _________.
2. Leech has anterior and posterior ________.
3. _________ are absent in the leech.
4. _________ are absent in the leech.
- I am diploblastic & acoelomate. Which phylum do I belong to?
- My body is radially symmetrical. Water vascular system is present in my body. I am referred as fish though I am not. What is my name?
- I live in your small intestine. Pseudocoelom is present in my thread like body. In which phylum will you include me?
- Though I am multicellular, there are no tissues in my body. What is the name of my phylum?
Which of the following characteristic feature is unique to Phylum Echinodermata?
They are triploblastic
They have true coelom
They have spiny skin
They are found only in marine condition.
- Mollusca
- Arthropoda
- Coelenterata
- Echinodermata