External Factors Affecting the Rate of Transpiration.
Trending Questions
What is the significance of transpiration in plants?
What is the role of stomata in transpiration?
- decreases
- increases
- remains the same
What Is the Full Form of TS of the Leaf?
The rate of transpiration increases with the decrease in atmospheric pressure.
What will happen if there is no transpiration?
The loss of water from the plants is known as ____________ .
Transpiration rate will be high during______.
foggy day
rainy day
sunny day
cloudy day
If you uproot a plant from the soil, its leaves soon wilt. Why?

(a) Name the parts labeled 1 to 5.
(b) What do the two arrows (dotted and solid) indicate during the day and at night?
(c) Could you add one more arrow in the figure? If yes, what for?
(d) How many leaf veins have been shown in this section?
How are leaves adapted to reduce transpiration?
Grass leaves curl inwards during very dry weather. Select the most appropriate reason from the following.
Closure of stomata
Flaccidity of bulliform cells
Shrinkage of air spaces in spongy mesophyll
Tyloses in vessels
Which of the following external factors affect the rate of transpiration?
Intensity of sunlight
Velocity of wind
All of the above
Which of the following types of leaves are found in dicot plants?
Isobilateral leaves
Dorsiventral leaves
Dorsibilateral leaves
Isoventral leaves
(ii) Name the process by which plants get rid of excess water. Name the pores through which this process takes place.
Give suitable explanations for the following-
Some plants show wilting of their leaves during midday even when the soil is well- watered.
State four factors that effect transpiration.
Give reasons for the following:
The rate of transpiration increases in hot and dry weather.
Which one of the following is the correct sequence to prepare a stained temporary mount of an onion peel?
(i) take out onion peel (ii) keep the peel on the slide (iii) add a few drop of glycerine on it (iv) add few drops of safranin stain (v) cover it up with a coverslip
(i) take out onion peel (ii) keep the peel in water in a petri dish (iii) add a few drops of safranin stain and transfer to a slide (iv) add a drop of glycerine (v) cover it up with a coverslip
(i) take out onion peel (ii) Keep it on a slide and add safranin stain (iii) transfer it to water in a petri dish (iv) remove water and add glycerine (v) cover it up with a coverslip
(i) take out onion peel (ii) cover it up with a coverslip (iii) on a petri dish, add water to clean (iv) add a drop of glycerine (v) add a few drops of safranin stain
The table shows the rates of water uptake and transpiration of a plant during a morning.
At what time does the plant show signs of wilting?
Higher the rate of transpiration, greater the rate of absorption of ______ from the soil.
carbon dioxide
Why terrestrial plants die if their roots remain water logged
If 50 % of leaves are removed from a plant, the rate of transpiration by the remaining leaves will
Remains unchanged
Depends on prevailing conditions
Sunken stomata and thick cuticle
are adaptations of the plant to reduce excessive transpiration
increase the rate of transpiration in plants
are present in all plants
None of the above
The leaves of a well-watered potted plant were found wilted during a hot sunny day.
- Suggest two reasons which could have caused the wilting of the leaves.
How does rate of transpiration get affected by:
- Wind velocity
- Intensity of light
- Humidity.
A full grown sunflower plant is estimated to lose about ______ of water per day in the form of water vapour.
Two liter
One liter
Three liter
Half a liter
What factors influence transpiration?
The peculiar smell of soil when plants are uprooted and removed can be attributed to -
Distal convoluted tubule and Thiazide
Proximal convoluted tubule and Mitochondria
Bowman's capsule and Podocytes
Henle's loop and Mitochondria