Internal Factors Affecting the Rate of Transpiration.
Trending Questions
What are hydathodes?
What is the difference between movements in plants and movements in animals?
In Phaeophyceae, the plant body is usually attached to the substratum by (1)_______, and has a stalk, termed the (2)_______ and a leaf like photosynthetic organ called the (3)_______.
1-stipe, 2-frond, 3-holdfast
1-stipe, 2-holdfast, 3-frond
1-holdfast, 2-stipe, 3-frond
1-frond, 2-stipe, 3-holdfast
Leaves are reduced to spines in Xerophytic plants.
- True
- False
In certain group of plants stomata remain closed during day. How is food synthesized in such plants?
Sunken stomata is commonly found in leaves of ___________.
Which of the following is true about sunken stomata and thick cuticle?
They are adaptations of the plant to reduce excessive transpiration.
They increase the rate of transpiration in plants.
None of the above.
They are present in all plants.
Give biological reason for the following statement:
In some xerophytes leaves are modified into spines.
- Leaves provide a large surface area for maximum light absorption.
- Presence of numerous stomata for gaseous exchange.
- The chloroplasts are more in number on the upper surface of leaves.
- Leaves are arranged at right angles to the light source in a way that causes overlapping.
Sunken stomata are present in
From which part of the tree is cork obtained?
Which of the two occurs over a short period of time acclimatization or adaptation.
In which of the following plants, is there no transpiration?
- Plants living in deserts
- Aquatic plants with floating leaves
- Plants growing in hilly regions
- Aquatic, submerged plants
Which of the following is not a xeric adaptation in xerophytes ?
Succulent and spongy
Thick cuticular covering
Mucilaginous coating
Reduced leaves

- Stem
- Leaf
- Flower
- Root
Choose the most appropriate answer: Scotoactive stomata occur in________.
Succulent Xerophytes
All of these
Give scientific reasons for the following statement.
In some xerophytes leaves are modified into spines.
Where are the stomata found in Funaria ?
Which of the following are internal factors that a plant adapts to reduce transpiration?
Loss of leaves
Reduced exposed surfaces
Narrow leaves
All of the above
What is operculum made of?
Why the leaves in cactus plants are reduced to spines?
Which of the following is/are not correctly matched?
Fewer stomata- higher rate of transpiration
Loss of leaves- modified into spines to reduce transpiration
Thick cuticle- to keep the leaf evergreen
Sunken stomata- trap moist air which reduces diffusion and reduces water loss.
The leaves may become narrower to reduce
- Lotus
- Hydrilla
- Pistia
- Vallisneria
The spines seen on desert plants are modified leaves.
Some plants have sunken stomata.
- True
- False
- Increases
- Decreases
- The soil will loose capillary H2O
- Not affected