Male Accessory Reproductive Organs
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The correct sequence of organs in the male reproductive system for the transport of sperms is :
(a) testis → vas deferens → urethra
(b) testis → ureter → urethra
(c) testis → urethra → ureter
(d) testis → vas deferens → ureter
The correct sequence of organs in the male reproductive system for transport of sperms is
testis vas deferent urethra
testis ureter urethra
testis urethra ureter
testis vasdeferens ureter
Given below is the schematic diagram of the sectional view of the human male reproductive system.
(a) Name the parts numbered 1-11.
(b) State the functions of the parts numbered 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 and 11.
What are the accessory reproductive organs ?
State the functions of seminal vesicles.
- Thick hair growth in the pubic region and armpits
- Deposition of fat in body parts like thighs and hips
- Appearance of hair on legs, arms and face
- Occurrence of acne because of oily skin
How does the reproductive system of avian and mammalian females differ from each other?
Which one of the following is the correct route that a sperm follows when it leaves the testis of a mammal?
(a) Vas deferens → epdidymis → urethra
(b) Urethra → epididymis → vas deferens
(c) Epididymis → urethra → vas deferens
(e) Epididymis → vasdeferens → urethra
Cowpers glands are present in:
female mammal
male mammal
Both a and b
none of the above
(a) Label the parts numbered 1 to 13.
(b) State one function of each of the following:
Parts :
1. Testes
2. Sperm duct
3. Seminal vesicle
4. Prostate gland

Choose the correct sequence of the path travelled by sperms in the testes.
Rete testis ⇒ Vasa efferentia ⇒ Seminiferous tubules ⇒ Epididymis
Seminiferous tubules ⇒ Rete testis ⇒ Vasa efferentia ⇒ Epididymis
Epididymis ⇒ Seminiferous tubules ⇒ Vasa efferentia ⇒ Rete testis
Vasa efferentia ⇒ Rete testis ⇒ Seminiferous tubules ⇒ Epididymis
Describe the functions of the following :
(a) Inguinal canal, (b) Prostate gland,
(c) Testis, (d) Ovary
(e) Oviduct.
Which of these is not the function of the seminal vesicles present in human males?
To convert the sperms in a fluid medium
To provide nutrition
To make their transport easier
To make them sticky
- seminal vesicles only
- prostate glands only
- seminal vesicle and prostate glands
- penis only
Choose the odd one in each of the following :
(a) Oestrogen; progestrone; testosterone; prolactin.
(b) Ovary; fallopian tube; ureter; uterus.
(c) Seminiferous tubule; ovum; epididymis; sperm duct; urethra.
(d) Sperm; implantation; fertilisation; ovum; after birth.
The figure given below shows the human male reproductive organs. Which structures make sperms and seminal fluid?
(a) V makes sperms and X makes seminal fluid
(b) W makes sperms and Y makes seminal fluid
(c) X makes sperms and W makes seminal fluid
(d) Y makes sperms and V makes seminal fluid
Give an appropriate biological/technical term for the following:
The canal through which the testes descend into the scrotum just before the birth of a male baby.
What is the function of Seminal Vesicle?
Differentiate between the following pairs :
(a) Menarche and menopause
(b) Bulbo-urethral gland and prostate gland.
(c) Hymen and clitoris
(d) Uterus and vagina
(e) Efferent duct and sperm duct.
State the functions of the following:
Seminal vesicle
Differentiate between :
(a) semen and sperm
(b) implantation and pregnancy
(c) follicle and corpus luteum
(d) ammion and allantois
(e) impotency and sterility
(f) prostate gland and Cowper's gland (the nature of secretion)
(g) identical twins and fraternal twins
Name the other name for sperm duct.
Write any one function of testes.
A sperm is a
multi celled
single celled
single layered