Plant Diseases
Trending Questions
Give examples of diseases that spread through air.
What are phytoalexins?
What are fungal diseases? Name any two fungal diseases.
What is the main wall composition in mycobacterium?
What kind of protozoan causes malaria?
Which of the following is a viral disease seen in plants?
Quick wilt
Blight disease
Bud Rot
Mosaic disease
Name of the disease that causes yellowing of leaves
delayed flowering
die back of shoot
Name the disease caused by Plasmodium.
Identify the disease and the causative organism.
Quickwilt, Bacteria
Bunchy banana top, Virus Quickwilt, Fungi
Bunchy banana top, Bacteria
What are carriers?
What are the long-chain fatty acids present in the wall of Mycobacterium called?

- Khaira disease of rice
- Black heart of potato
- Die back of rice
- Brown spot of rice
- White rust
- Curl and black rot
- Bacterial blight
- Mosaic virus.
How fatal are gram-negative bacteria?
- Leaf curl of Papaya
- Black rust of Wheat
- Red rot of Sugarcane
- Late blight of Potato
Differentiate between mold spores and pollen grains.
- Young leaves
- Mature leaves followed by young leaves
- Young leaves followed by mature leaves
- Old leaves
If the older leaves of a plant shows yellowing and the yield is reduced, then it may be due to the deficiency of:
(a) They show a great diversity in morphology and habitat.
(b) White spots seen on Mustard leaves are due to a saprophytic fungus.
(c) They prefer to grow in cold and humid places.
(d) The cell walls of fungi are composed of chitin and polysaccharides.
Of the above statements :
- a and d are correct.
- a and b are correct.
- d and b are correct.
- b and c are correct.
- a and c are correct.
- They parasitise cereals.
- Mycelium is black.
- They develop sooty masses of spores.
- Affected parts become completely black.
- Has a coenocytic and aseptate mycelium
- Is a sac fungus
- It has cellulasic cell wall
- Reproduce by motile asexual spores
Malaria is caused by ___ and spreads by ____.
- Mayer
- Ivanowski
- Beijerink
- Pasteur
- Piricularian
- Cochliobolin
- Ferulic acid
- A-Picolinic acid
- Zinc
- Carbon
- Iron
- None of these
- Red rot of sugar cane
- Rust of wheat
- Leaf spot of rice
- Smut of bajra
- Alternaria solanii
- Scelospora graminicola
- Phytophthora infestans
- Fusarium oxysporum