Proteins in Plasma
Trending Questions
What is the role of globulin present in blood plasma?
Maintenance of fluid pressure
Blood clotting
Indicator of overall health
Aid in immunity
A blood vessel that starts and ends with a capillary is called _________
Portal vein
coronary artery
pulmonary vein
renal arteries
Fill in the blanks.
(iii) Arteries and veins are joined by a network of
Identify I, II and III in the image.
1 Inferior vena cava, 2. Aorta, 3. Hepatic portal vein
1. Aorta, 2. Hepatic portal vein, 3. Inferior vena cava
1. Aorta, 2. Hepatic portal vein, 3. Inferior vena cava
1. Hepatic portal vein, 2. Aorta, 3. Inferior vena cava

Mention whether the following statements are true (T) or False (F).
Antibodies are fats.
- True
- False
All three of them are of blood group B but X can donate his blood only to Y but not to Z.
Choose the option(s) which are applicable to this scenario.
X, Y और Z फ्लैटमेट्स हैं। एक साथ यात्रा करते समय Y और Z एक सड़क दुर्घटना में घायल हो गए और उन्हें तुरंत रक्त की आवश्यकता है।
उन तीनों का रक्त समूह B है लेकिन X अपना रक्त केवल Y को दे सकता है, Z को नहीं।
उस विकल्प/ उन विकल्पों का चयन कीजिए जो इस स्थिति के लिए उपयुक्त हैं।
- Z is an Rh –ve individual
Z एक Rh –ve व्यक्ति है - Y has Rh antigen in his blood
Y के रक्त में Rh प्रतिजन होता है - X’s blood group is B–
X का रक्त समूह B– है - Z is an Rh +ve individual
Z एक Rh +ve व्यक्ति है
Which of the plasma proteins listed below is not matched correctly to its function?
Albumin - maintains osmotic pressure in blood
Globulins - Enzymes and carrier proteins
Fibrinogen- transport minerals, lipids, hormones and vitamins.
Immunoglobulin- attacks and destroys pathogens.
- IgG
- IgA
- lysozyme
- all of these
Copy and complete the following sentence by filling in the blank with the appropriate word/term/phrase.
The blood vessel that begins and ends in capillaries is the __________