Puberty in Females
Trending Questions
During adolescence, the body of boys and girls undergoes certain changes. Given below are a few of those changes.
(a) Broad shoulders
(b) Wider chests
(c) The wider region below the waist
(d) Development of muscles
(e) Development of mammary glands
(f) Growth of facial hair
(g) Acne and pimples on the face
(h) Development of sex organs
(i) High-pitched voice
(j) Growth of pubic hair.
Categorize these changes according to their occurrence in boys and those that occur in girls and fill in the table given below.
Adam's apple represents
Arytenoid cartilage of the Larynx
Cricoid cartilage of the Larynx
Thyroid cartilage of the Larynx
All of the above
Expand FSH and LH
Define adolescence.
- parturition
- micturition
- menstruation
- childbirth
- Ovulation
- Breast enlargment
- Muscularity
- Deepening of voice
How would you describe adolescence?
a) Menstruation
b) Precocious
C) Menopause
Mention any two functions of human ovary.
What Is developmentally unique about adolescence?
- Relaxin
- Progesterone
- Estrogen
- Gonadotropin
When administered to an immature animal, testosterone________________
has no effect.
causes precocious development of accessory sexual structures.
causes degeneration in accessory reproductive organs.
causes depression in the secretion of sebaceous glands.
- development
- growth
- marriage
- adolescence
- Sex corticoid
- Testosterone
- Thyroxine
- Thymosin
- growth
- adolescence
- development
- marriage
- Ovary
- Testis
- Thyroid gland
- Pancreas
- Ovulation
- Breast enlargment
- Muscularity
- Deepening of voice
- micturition
- parturition
- menstruation
- childbirth
- Spermatic canal
- Neurenteric canal
- Inguinal canal
- Haversian canal
- They produce gametes
- They secrete sex hormones
- They are concerned with the conduction of gametes
- Testes in male and ovaries in female are the examples of primary sex organs
- growth
- adolescence
- development
- marriage
- growth
- development
- adolescence
- marriage
- childbirth
- parturition
- micturition
- menstruation
- childbirth
- menstruation
- micturition
- parturition
- parturition
- micturition
- menstruation
- childbirth
- Pubic hair
- Deep voice
- Breasts
- Beard
- Wide hips
- Hairy armpit
- Muscular body
- Growth of uterus
- parturition
- micturition
- childbirth
- menstruation