Recessive Traits
Trending Questions
This pedigree shows the inheritance of colour blindness or sex-linked trait. Is this trait dominant or recessive? Is the mother of the colourblind girl in the F3 generation colourblind, a carrier or a person with normal colour vision? Explain. [4 MARKS]
List any three features of garden pea with their dominant and recessive traits.
The gene for red hair is recessive to the gene for black hair. What will be the hair colour of a person if he inherits a gene for red hair from his mother and a gene for black hair from his father ?
What Is the Basis of Heredity?
A Mendelian experiment consisted of breeding pea plants bearing violet flowers with pea plants bearing white flowers. What will be the result in F1 progeny
Assuming black fur is dominant over brown fur in rabbit, what would the genotype of rabbits that are heterozygous for coat colour?
The type of gene, which in the presence of a contrasting allele is not expressed.
Are blue eyes recessive?
- homozygous condition
- heterozygous condition
- homo-hetrozygous condition
- ominizygous
What Type Of Variation Is Eye Colour?
The suppressed allele of a gene.
Question 34
Give the pair of contrasting traits of the following characters in pea plant and mention which is dominant and recessive.
(i) yellow seed (ii) round seed (iii) green seed (iv) wrinkled seed.
Dominant trait is one that
decides fate of organism in a population
is expressed in first filial generation
appears in the proportion of in second filial generation.
qualifies an organism to be the primary consumer.
- IA and IB
- IB and IO
- IO only
- IA only
What is polygenic inheritance?
- 1:2:1
- 9:3:3:1
- 3:1
- 9:7
…………………….will express the recessive character or trait.
F1 generation
F2 generation
Both A and B
None of the above
मटर के 600 बीजों में से F2 पीढ़ी में उत्पन्न हुए 450 बीज पीले बीज थे। यदि पीला (Y) बीज एक प्रभावी लक्षण है तथा हरा (y) बीज एक अप्रभावी लक्षण है तो जनकों का सही जीनप्ररूप (जीनोटाइप) था
- YY and YY
YY तथा YY - yy and yy
yy तथा yy - YY and yy
YY तथा yy - Yy and YY
Yy तथा YY
मटर के 800 बीजों में से, F2 पीढ़ी में उत्पन्न हुए 600 बीज पीले रंग के थे। यदि पीला (Y) बीज एक प्रभावी लक्षण है तथा हरा (y) बीज एक अप्रभावी लक्षण है तो जनकों के सही जीनप्ररूप (जीनोटाइप) थे
- YY and YY
YY तथा YY - yy and yy
yy तथा yy - YY and yy
YY तथा yy - Yy and YY
Yy तथा YY
The allele that fails to express _______________________________.
- 6/16
- 10/16
- 9/16
- 1/16
What would have Mendel got if he would have self pollinated a tall F2 plant?
In a pair of contrasting traits, expressing traits and not expressing traits in the progeny are called as _____ and _____ respectively.
recessive ; genotypic
phenotypic ; genotypic
recessive ; dominant
dominant ; recessive
- White flower
- Purple flower
- Yellow seed
- Green seed
- Wrinkled seed
- Round seed
- Green pod
- Yellow pod
- Tall plant
- Dwarf plant
In 4 ‘o’clock plants, the crossing of pure-breed red and white flowered parental stocks produced pink flowered plants. This type of genotypic expression is called ___.
Gene polymorphism
Incomplete dominance