Types of Cell Division
Trending Questions
The diagram below represents a stage during cell division. Study the same and then answer the questions that follow :
(a) Name the parts labelled 1, 2 and 3.
(b) Identify the above stage and give a reason to support your answer.
(c) Mention where in the body this type of cell division occurs.
(d) Name the stage prior to this stage and draw a diagram to represent the same.
Given below is a diagram representing a stage during mitotic cell division in an animal cell. Examine it carefully and answer the questions which follow.
(a) Identify the stage. Give one reason in support of your answer.
(b) Name the cell organelle that forms the 'aster'.
(c) Name the parts labelled 1, 2 and 3.
(d) Name the stage that follows the one shown here. How is that stage identified?
(e) Mention two differences between mitosis and meiosis with regard to :
(i) The number of daughter cells produced.
(ii) The chromosome number in the daughter cells.
Given below is a diagram representing a stage during mitotic cell division. Study it carefully and answer the questions that follow :
(a) Is it a plant cell or an animal cell? Give a reason to support your answer.
(b) Identify the stage shown.
(c) Name the stage that follows the one shown here. How is that stage identified?
(d) How will you differentiate between mitosis and meiosis on the basis of the chromosome number in the daughter cells?
(e) Draw a duplicated chromosome and label its parts.
Which of the following stages of meiosis involves the division of centromere?
Metaphase I
Metaphase II
Telophase II
Anaphase II
A haploid parent produces gametes by mitotic division. Does this mean that meiosis never occurs in organisms that are haploid?
Shown below are four stages (A, B, C, D) (not in sequence) of a certain kind of cell division.
(a) Is it a plant cell or an animal cell? Give two
(b) Is it undergoing mitosis or meiosis?
(c) What should be the correct sequence of these four stages among themselves?
(d) Name the stage that should precede the earliest of these stages
(e) Draw the stage named above inside the blank space provided.
Fill in the blanks
(a) Mitosis occurs in our ..... cells.
(b) Mitosis produces two daughter cells whereas meiosis produces ...... daughter cells.
(c) Meiosis occurs only in ..... cells.
(d) Modern humans have 46 chromosomes. Their sperms and eggs will have......chromosomes each.
(e) During the pairing of chromosomes in meiosis, the ...... chromosomes come to lie side by side.
(f) The.......(s) are surrounded by radiating rays and termed as aster.

(a) Identify the phase. ...............
(b) What is the diploid number of chromosomes shown in them?
(c) Identify whether these are animal cells or plant cells?
A ...................................................................
B ...................................................................
C ...................................................................
(d) Which of these is/are shown in the correct direction? (Tick mark the correct answer)
(i) Only A
(ii) Only B
(iii) Only A and C
(iv) All the three
Imagine one cell (A) has undergone one mitotic division and another cell (B) has completed its meiotic division. How many cells would the two produce?
Cell A: .....................
Cell B: .....................
Why are human gametes haploid instead of diploid?
What are the special cells which undergo meiosis in diploid organisms called?
Are cells genetically identical resulting from meiosis?
The diagram given below represents a certain phenomenon which occurs during meiosis. Name and explain the phenomenon by using the terms — homologous chromosomes, chromatids, crossing-over.
Where in the body does mitosis occur most rapidly?
Given ahead are three diagrammatic sketches (A, B and C) of one and the same particular phase during mitotic type of cell division.
(a) Identify the phase
(b) What is the diploid number of chromosomes shown in them ?
(c) Identify whether these are animal cells or plant cells ? Give reasons.

(a) Identify the stage of cell division.
(b) Name the parts labeled A and B.
(c) What is the unique feature observed in this stage?
(d) How many daughter cells are formed from this type of cell division?
In which one of the following options the stages of mitosis have been given in correct sequence ?
(a) Prophase, metaphase, telophase, anaphase
(b) Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase
(c) Anaphase, telophase, prophase, metaphase
(d) Telophase, anaphase, prophase, metaphase
What is the process of exchange of genes between homologous chromosomes called?
Crossing over
What is the point of crossing over between two homologous chromosomes called?
Whether the gametes diploid or haploid? Why?
Describe why variations are observed in the offspring formed by sexual reproduction?
The number of chromosomes in a certain type of cell division is halved. This kind of cell division occurs in:
(a) only testis
(b) only ovary
(c) both ovary and testis
(d) all body cells
Question 1
What is the importance of DNA copying in reproduction?
During which stage of Prophase I, does the crossing over takes place ?
Homologous chromosomes
Sister chromatids
Cross overs
Parental chromosomes
What are the 10 stages of meiosis?
Reason: Gametes are produced only by mitotic division which involves crossing over between homologous pairs of chromosomes.
- Both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
- Both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
- Assertion is true statement and reason is false statement.
- Both assertion and reason are false statements.
Organism produced from two parents is an example of__________.