Ozone Layer Depletion
Trending Questions
Question 1
What is ozone and how does it affect any ecosystem?
Write the harmful effects of ozone depletion.
What would happen if the ozone layer in the atmosphere completely disappears?
What is CFC?
(a) What is ozone? How is it formed?
(b) How does the ozone layer protect us from harmful effects in the environment?
(c) What is UNEP? What step has been taken by UNEP in 1987 to prevent too much damage to the ozone layer?
What are the causes of depletion of ozone layer? Which diseases are likely to be caused if the ozone layer will become thinner?
Write the full form of CFC. Give its one harmful effect.
Why is ozone layer getting depleted at higher levels of the atmosphere?
Name the group of chemical compounds which damages the ozone layer.
Which radiations are absorbed by the ozone layer?
Explain how harmful ultraviolet radiations of sunlight are prevented from reaching the earth's surface.
- H2SO4 (2.75)
- Drinking Water (6.2)
- HCl (3.01)
- Carbonic acid (4.68)
- Citric acid (3.24)
O2 is converted into O3 by the action of :
(a) infrared radiations (b) ultraviolet radiations
(b) gamma radiations (d) cosmic radiations
Name the unit which is used to measure the thickness of the ozone layer?
The depletion of the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere is mainly due to the emission of :
(a) unburnt hydrocarbons (b) chlorofluorocarbons
(c) greenhouse gases (d) ultraviolet radiations
Which pollutant released into the air during refrigeration and airconditioning is the greatest contributor to the depletion of ozone layer ?
(a) BHC (b) DDT (c) CFC (d) UNEP
Which following chemical is used to clean water in a water plant?
Chlorine tablets
Both ozone and chlorine tablets
- Protection from UV light
- All of the above
- Prevention of skin cancer
- Traps heat on Earth
Maximum solar energy is trapped by
Growing algae in tanks
Growing grasses
Which pollutants are contributed by airplanes?
Why is ozone important for our environment?
The gas A is used by most of the animals to obtain energy from food through the process of respiration. When A is acted upon by radiation X, it gets converted into another gas B which an allotrope of A but poisonous when inhaled. B forms a kind of layer C in the upper atmosphere which absorbs radiations X coming from a source Y and prevent them from reaching the earth. Some chemicals Z released from the various devices on the earth are destroying the layer C slowly. In fact, a hole has already been formed in layer C over the area D of the earth.
(a) What are the gases (i) A, and (ii) B? Write their molecular formulae.
(b) Name the layer C.
(c) What are (i) X, (ii) Y, and (iii) Z?
(d) Name the area D.
(e) Name any two human ailments which may be caused by X.
Why does ozone hole form over Antarctica?
The excessive exposure of humans to ultraviolet rays results in :
(i) damage to immune system (iii) skin cancer
(ii) damage to lungs (iv) peptic ulcers
(a) (i) and (ii) (b) (ii) and (iv) (c) (i) and (iv) (d) (iii) and (iv)
What would happen if there was no ozone in the stratosphere?
How can the yield of ozone be improved?
Fill in the following blanks with suitable words:
(a) Ultraviolet rays can cause skin............
(b) Pesticides enter the food chain at the ........... level
(c) Grass →.............. → Human
(d) Lettuce →................... → Fox
(e) Plants →Antelope → ................
(a) PAN
(b) CO2
(c) CFCs
(d) coal burning
Write one word answer for the following :
A single atom of chlorine can destroy about