Properties of Ionic Compound
Trending Questions
State your observation when:
Concentrated sulphuric acid is added to sugar crystals.
What is the formula for Lead Nitrate
Magnesium oxide is soluble in water.
- True
- False
What factors affect polarizability?
(a) Write down the electronic configuration of (i) sodium atom, and (ii) chlorine atom.
(b) How many electrons are there in the outermost shell of (i) a sodium atom, and (ii) a chlorine atom?
(c) Show the formation of NaCl from sodium and chlorine atoms by the transfer of electron(s)
(d) Why has sodium chloride a high melting point?
(e) Name the anode and the cathode used in the electrolytic refining of impure copper metal.
which bond is stronger ? covalent bonds or ionic bonds
- Covalent compounds
- Ionic compounds
- Metallic compounds
- Coordinate compounds
A metal combines with a non-metal by the transfer of electrons to form a compound Y.
(i) State the type of bonds in Y.
(ii) What can you say about its melting point and boiling point?
(iii) Will it be a good conductor of electricity?
(iv) Will it dissolve in an organic solvent or not?
What type of chemical bonds are present in a solid compound which has a high melting point, does not conduct electricity in the solid state but becomes a good conductor in the molten state?
Explain why:
(a) Covalent compounds have generally low melting points.
(b) Ionic compounds have generally high melting points.
Element X reacts with element Y to form a compound. Z. During the formation of compound Z, atoms of X lose one electron each whereas atoms of Y gain one electron each. Which of the following property is not shown by compound Z?
(a) High melting point
(b) Low melting point
(c) Occurrence as solid
(d) Conduction of electricity in molten state
(a) Explain why ionic compounds conduct electricity in solution whereas covalent compounds do not conduct electricity.
(b) Which of the following will conduct electricity and which not?
MgCl2, CCl4, NaCl, CS2, Na2S
Give reasons for your choice.
Ionic compounds have high melting points, why?
Write true or false. Correct the false statement.
An atom that gains one or more electrons to form a negative ion is called a cation.
- True
- False
Give the formulae of the chlorides of the elements X and Y having atomic numbers of 3 and 6 respectively.
Will the properties of the two chlorides be similar or different? Explain your answer.
Ionic solids conduct electricity in a molten state but not in solids state. Why?
(a) Giving one example each, state what is (i) ionic compounds, and (ii) covalent compounds.
(b) Compare the properties of ionic compounds and covalent compounds.
Which is correct sulphuric or sulfuric
Give examples for the following:
(a) Ionic chlorides of two different divalent metals.
(b) Two solid covalent compounds.
(c) Two liquid non-polar compounds.
(d) Two gaseous polar compounds.
(e) Two gaseous non-polar compounds.
Question 10
Which one of the following properties is not generally exhibited by ionic compounds?
(a) Solubility in water.
(b) Electrical conductivity in solid state.
(c) High melting and boiling points.
(d) Electrical conductivity in molten state.
Which compound is used in photography?
The reaction between X and Y forms compound Z. X losses electrons and Y gains electrons. Which of the following property is not shown by Z.
Has a high melting point
Has a low melting point
Conducts electricity in molten state
Occurs as solid
Write any two chemical properties of hydrogen?
Why is there a chance of explosion when hydrogen chloride gas is led into water by a normal glass delivery tube?
The rechargeable battery used in a mobile phone hand set is usually:
(a) Lead ion battery
(b) Sodium ion battery
(c) Hydrogen ion battery
(d) Lithium-ion battery
What are the lightest batteries?
On bringing a lighted matchstick near the mouth of the test tube in which react:
the matchstick gets extinguished
the matchstick burns faster
a pop sound is heard
no effect is observed on the matchstick
Which one of the following property is generally not exhibited by ionic compounds?
(a) Solubility in water.
(b) Electrical conductivity in the solid state.
(c) High melting and boiling points.
(d) Electrical conductivity in the molten state.