Reducing Properties of Ammonia
Trending Questions
With the reference to manufacture of ammonia.
(i) Name the process.
(ii) In what ratio must the reactants be taken?
(iii) Name the catalyst used.
(iv) Is ammonia a reducing or oxydising agent?
(v) Give the equation for the manufacture of ammonia.
How do you write a balanced equation for the combination of magnesium and oxygen to form Magnesium oxide, ?
4NH3 + 5O2 → 4NO + 6H2O
[1 mark]
- O2
- H2O
- NO
- NH3
Write balanced chemical equations for each of the following:
(i) When excess of ammonia is treated with chlorine.
(ii) An equation to illustrate the reducing nature of ammonia.
Why Ammonia cannot be obtained in laboratory from Ammonium nitrate and Sodium hydroxide?
Copy and complete the following equations.
(a) AIN+H2O→ (b) 2NH3+3PbO→
(c) NH3+3CI2→ (d) NH3+CO2→
(i) Which property of ammonia is illustrated by equation (c) ?
(ii) What important fertiliser is prepared from equation (d) ? State the conditions.
Calcium Cyanamide - CaNCN, which is produced by the Nitrogen fixation reaction of heating CaC2 and N2 is black in colour.
- True
- False
(b) Write an equation to illustrate the reducing nature of ammonia.
(c) With reference to Haber's process for the preparation of ammonia, write the equation and the conditions required.
Which compound does not give ammonia gas on reaction with water ?
What happens when chlorine gas reacts with excess ammonia?
NH4Cl and N2 are formed.
NCl3 and 3HCl are formed.
NH4Cl and 3HCl are formed.
N2 and 3HCl are formed.
What is the role of a reducing agent in a reaction?
Name the process used to manufacture Ammonia gas commercially.
Write the balanced chemical equation for monochloroethane is hydrolysed with aqueous KOH
Write the balanced chemical equation for the following reaction:
Reaction of Ammonia with excess of Chlorine.
Write balanced chemical equation for the following:
Chlorine reacts with excess of ammonia.
- oxidising
- reducing
- acidic
State the conditions required for the following reaction to take place:
Any two conditions for the conversion of Sulphur dioxide to Sulphur trioxide.
Nitrogen + Oxygen → Nitrogen monoxide
Write the balanced chemical equation for the following reaction:
An equation to illustrate the reducing nature of Ammonia.
Complete the following balanced chemical equation for reduction of chlorine when ammonia is in excess.
8NH3 + 3Cl2 → X + 6Y
- X: N2 ; Y: NH4Cl
- X: NH4Cl ; Y: NH3
- X: HCl ; Y: NH4Cl
- X: NH3 ; Y: NH4OH
- Ca3(PO4)2⋅2H2O
- Ca3(PO4)2⋅CaSiO3
- MgSiO3
- CaSiO3
What is the use of ammonia?
Write an equation to illustrate the reducing nature of ammonia.
- If both assertion and reason are CORRECT and the reason is the CORRECT explanation of the assertion.
- If both assertion and reason are CORRECT, but reason is NOT THE CORRECT explanation of the assertion.
- If assertion is CORRECT, but reason is INCORRECT.
- If assertion is INCORRECT, but reason is CORRECT.
- Hg(NH2)Cl+Hg
- (NH2)Hg2Cl
- Hg2O
- HgO
- False
- True
What are the products formed when Ammonia is oxidized with Copper oxide?