Types of Chemical Reactions
Trending Questions
(i) an endothermic reaction
(ii) an exothermic reaction
(iii) a combination reaction
(iv) a decomposition reaction
(i) and (iii)
(i) and (iv)
(ii) and (iii)
(ii) and (iv)
What is the decomposition of ?
When a solution of ferrous sulphate () is added to an acidified purple solution of potassium permanganate (). The purple colour fades and finally disappears. Which one of the following statements is correct?
The colour disappears because of dilution and no reaction occurs.
Potassium permanganate oxidizes ferrous sulphate and itself is reduced
Ferrous sulphate is an oxidizing agent and it oxidizes
, is a reducing agent and it reduces .
Write two observations you make when quicklime is added to water.
The chemical reaction involved in the corrosion of iron metal is that of :
(a) oxidation as well as displacement (b) reduction as well as combination
(c) oxidation as well as combination (d) reduction as well as displacement
Is formation of silver chloride by the combination reaction of silver and chlorine a endothermic reaction?
What change in colour is observed when white silver chloride is left exposed to sunlight . State the type of and state the reaction
1 : 2
2 : 1
2 : 3
3 : 2
An oxidizing agent is a substance which:
a. loses oxygen
b. gains hydrogen
c. gains oxygen
Only a
Only c
Only b
Both a and b
What kind of reaction is rusting of iron?explain.
What happens when is passed in an acidified solution?
How is photolythic decomposition used in photography, also write the reaction involved?
This reaction is an example of:
None of the above
Combination reaction
Photolytic Decomposition reaction
Electrolytic Decomposition reaction
Complete and balance the following equation :
Why is the decomposition reaction called the opposite of a combination reaction? Give examples for each.
Decomposition of silver bromide
Decomposition of vegetable matter into compost
Combustion of methane

- Combination reaction
- Displacement reaction
- Double displacement reaction
- Decomposition reaction
Translate the following statement into chemical equation and then balance it:
Potassium metal reacts with water to give potassium hydroxide and hydrogen gas.
Identify the substance oxidized, substance reduced, oxidising agent and reducing agent.
MnO2 + 4HCl → MnCl2 + 2H2O + Cl2.
What is decomposition reaction. Give three examples.
Statement - I: Physical states of all reactants and products are same in a heterogeneous reaction
Statement - II: Physical states of all reactants and products are different in a homogeneous reaction
Now, choose the correct option
Only statement I is correct
Only statement II is correct
Both the statements are correct
Both the statements are incorrect
You are given with following material:
Ferrous sulphate crystals
Identify the type of chemical reaction taking place when:
On heating, green ferrous sulphate crystals, reddish-brown solid is left and gas having smell of burning sulphur is noticed.
Baking soda on thermal
बेरियम क्लोराइड के जलीय विलयन की सोडियम सल्फेट के जलीय विलयन के साथ अभिक्रिया पर प्राप्त होता है
- White precipitate of barium sulphate
बेरियम सल्फेट का सफेद अवक्षेप - White precipitate of sodium chloride
सोडियम क्लोराइड का सफेद अवक्षेप - Yellow precipitate of barium sulphate
बेरियम सल्फेट का पीला अवक्षेप - Yellow precipitate of sodium chloride
सोडियम क्लोराइड का पीला अवक्षेप
- H2O+SO2→H2SO3
- 2H2S+SO2→3S+2H2O
- K2Cr2O7+H2SO4+3SO2→K2SO4+Cr2(SO4)3+H2O
- Both (a) and (b)
जब दो मोल लेड ऑक्साइड की एक मोल ठोस कार्बन के साथ अभिक्रिया होती है, तो प्राप्त गैसीय उत्पाद/उत्पादों के मोलों की संख्या है
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
(a) Why are decomposition reactions called the opposite of combination reactions ? Explain with equations of these reactions.
(b) Express the following facts in the form fo a balanced chemical equation :
"When a strip of copper metal is placed in a solution of silver nitrate, metallic silver is precipitated and a solution containing copper nitrate is formed"
Is polymerization reversible?
आयरन सल्फेट के ऊष्मीय अपघटन पर प्राप्त गैसीय उत्पाद हैं
- SO2 and O2
SO2 तथा O2 - SO3 and H2S
SO3 तथा H2S - SO2 and SO3
SO2 तथा SO3 - SO2 and H2S
SO2 तथा H2S