The World in the Twentieth Century
Trending Questions
Q. ____________called the 20th century as the age of extremes.
- Eric Dawson
- Eric Colbsawm
- Eric Hilton
- Eric Hobsbawm
Q. defined the twentieth century as the 'Age of Extremes'.
- Eric Dawson
- Eric Hobsbawm
- Eric Hilton
Q. Which of the following statements are true regarding the changes in the twentieth century?
- All countries chose socialism.
- Literacy rates increased.
- Life expectancy increased.
- People realised the importance of Democracy.
Q. When Herbert Hoover was elected as President in 1928, the U.S. economy appeared to be in a _________.
- Recession
- Recovery
- Period of prosperity
- Depression
- Bank crisis
Q. After the Second World War, which city served as the capital of the Federal Republic of Germany?
- Berlin
- Munich
- Frankfurt
- Bonn
Q. Pick the correctly matched pair/s from the following:
- GDR - German Democratic Republic
- FRG - Federal Republic of Germany
- GDR - German Democratic Reorganization
- FRG - Eastern Germany
Q. Which of the following statements is/are true regarding the changes in the twentieth century post the World Wars?
- All countries chose socialism.
- Literacy rates increased.
- Life expectancy increased.
- People realised the importance of democracy.
Q. The United Nations Organisation was formed in .
- 1945
- 1917
- 1929
- 1955
Q. The Progressive movement's most significant impact on American society was ______________________.
- eliminating corruption in the political system.
- convincing large segments of the working class to support socialist ideas.
- establishing that federal legislation can be used to regulate business.
- putting the issue of civil rights for African Americans on the national agenda.
- setting the United States on an isolationist course.
Q. Which of the following is the subject of the cartoon above?

- The development of the American Federation of Labor
- Herbert Hoover's economic policies during the Great Depression
- Franklin D. Roosevelt's economic policies during the New Deal
- Woodrow Wilson's economic policies during the Progressive Era
- Muckrakers' sensationalist practices during the Gilded Age
Q. ____________ called the 20th century as the age of extremes.
- Eric Dawson
- Eric Hobsbawm
- Eric Colbsawm
- Eric Hilton
Q. Pick the correctly matched pair/s from the following:
- GDR - German Democratic Republic
- FRG - Federal Republic of Germany
- GDR - German Democratic Reorganization
- FRG - Eastern Germany
Q. The United Nations Organisation was formed in .
- 1945
- 1917
- 1929
- 1955
Q. ____________called the 20th century as the age of extremes.
- Eric Dawson
- Eric Colbsawm
- Eric Hobsbawm
- Eric Hilton
Q. Which of the following statements is/are true regarding the changes in the twentieth century post the World Wars?
- All countries chose socialism.
- Literacy rates increased.
- Life expectancy increased.
- People realised the importance of democracy.
Q. defined the twentieth century as the 'Age of Extremes'.
- Eric Dawson
- Eric Hobsbawm
- Eric Hilton