Finding Mode for Grouped Data When Class Intervals Are Given
Trending Questions
Assertion-and-Reason Type
Each question consists of two statements, namely, Assertion (A) and Reason (R).For selecting the correct answer, use the following code:
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are the true and Reason (R) is a correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are the true but Reason (R) is not a correct explanation of Assertion (A).
(c) Assertion (A) is true and Reason (R) is false.
(d) Assertion (A) is false and Reason (R) is true.
Assertion (A)Reason (R)Consider the following frequencyThe value of the variable whichdistribution:occurs most often is the modeClass interval3−66−99−1212−1515−1818−21Frequency2521231012The mode of the above data is 12.4.
The correct answer is:(a)/(b)/(c)/(d).
The following table shows the ages of the patients admitted in a hospital during a year.
Age (in years): 5-15 15-25 25-35 35-45 45-55 55-65
No. of students: 6 11 21 23 14 5
Find the mode and the mean of the data given above. Compare and interpret the two measures of central tendency.
Compute the mode from the following data:
Class Interval | Frquency |
0-10 | 4 |
10-20 | 6 |
20-30 | 8 |
30-40 | 10 |
40-50 | 7 |
50-60 | 5 |
- 30
- 35
- 34
- 37
The age wise participation of students in the Annual Function of a school is shown in the following distribution.
Age (in years)5−77−99−1111−1313−1515−1717−19Number ofstudentsx1518305048x
Find the missing frequencies when the sum of frequencies is 181. Also, find the mode of the data.
Find the mode of the following frequency distribution:
Class Interval | Frquency |
0-10 | 5 |
10-20 | 10 |
20-30 | 8 |
30-40 | 13 |
40-50 | 12 |
- 1153
- 40
- 983
- 34
Heights of students of Class X are given in the foloowing frequency distribution:
Height (in cm) | 150−155 | 155−160 | 160−165 | 165−170 | 170−175 |
Number of students | 15 | 8 | 20 | 12 | 5 |
Find the modal height.
Also, find the mean height. Compare and interpret the two measures of central tendency. [CBSE 2014]
Compute the mode from the following data:
Age(in years)5−1515−2525−3535−4545−5555−65Number of patients6112123145
- 15-25, 11, 21
- 35-45, 45, 35
- 35-45, 35, 45
- 15-55, 11, 31
Shirt Size: | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 |
Number of persons: | 15 | 25 | 39 | 41 | 36 | 17 | 15 | 12 |
Find the modal shirt size worn by the group.
In the following data, find the values of p and q Also, find the median class and modal class.
ClassFrequency(f)Cumulative frequency(cf)100−2001111200−30012P300−4001033400−500q46500−6002066600−7001480
The monthly income of 100 families are given as below:
Income in (in Rs)Number of families0−500085000−100002610000−150004115000−200001620000−25000325000−30000330000−35000235000−400001
Calculate the modal income.
Below: 10 20 30 40 50 60
Number of students: 3 12 27 57 75 80
the modal class is
(a) 10-20 (b) 20-30 (c) 30-40 (d) 50-60
Compute the mode from the following data:
Age(in years) 0−55−1010−1515−2020−2525−3030−35Number of patients611182417135
The following data gives the information on the observed lifetimes (in hours) of 225 electrical components:
Lifetimes (in hours): 0-20 20-40 40-60 60-80 80-100 100-120
No. of components: 10 35 52 61 38 29
Determine the modal lifetimes of the components.
Class | 0−20 | 20−40 | 40−60 | 60−80 |
Frequency | 15 | 6 | 18 | 10 |
Find the mode of the following distribution:
Class interval 10−1414−1818−2222−2626−3030−3434−3838−42Frequency8611202522104
(i) 133125 (ii) 178 (iii) 151600 (iv) 232352 (v) 615 (vi) 3550
Given below is the distribution of total household expenditure of 200 manual workers in a city.
Expenditure (in Rs.) No. of manual workers1000−1500241500−2000402000−2500312500−3000283000−3500323500−4000234000−4500174500−50005
Find the expenditure done by maximum number of manual workers.
A student noted the number of cars passing through a spot on a road for 100 periods each of 3 minutes and summarised it in the table given below. Find the mode of the data:
Number of cars |
0 − 10 |
10 − 20 |
20 − 30 |
30 − 40 |
40 − 50 |
50 − 60 |
60 − 70 |
70 − 80 |
Frequency |
7 |
14 |
13 |
12 |
20 |
11 |
15 |
8 |