Human Eye
Trending Questions
What regulates the diameter of the pupil?
- yellow, most
- red, least
- blue, most
- yellow, least
The focal length of the eye lens increases when eye muscles
(a) are relaxed and lens becomes thinner
(b) contract and lens becomes thicker
(c) are relaxed and lens becomes thicker
(d) contract and lens becomes thinner
Radius of a normal human eye ball is?
2.5 mm
1.15 cm
2.3 cm
1.25 mm
What is power of accommodation. How ciliary muscles help in accomodation?
- Far away from the eye
- Very close to the eye
- At about 25 cm from the eye
- At about 1 m from the eye
- relaxes
- contracts
- weakens
- flattens
The human eye lens is crystalline and biconvex in nature?
Why do we have two eyes and not just one?
It gives a wide field of view
Helps us to see 3D
Enhances the ability to detect fainter object
All of these
In human beings two eyes are positioned at the front of the head and it thus reduces the field of view in favour of what is called stereopsis.
(a) on the sides of the head.
(b) at the front of the head.
Where do most of the refraction of light in human eye occur?
Which coloured light has the largest wavelength?
- Convex lens
- Plano convex lens
- Concave lens
- Plano concave lens
- 1cm
- 2cm
- 3cm
- 4cm
(a) Animals having two eyes on the opposite sides of their head.
(b) Animals having two eyes at the front of their head.
- retina
- lens
- pupil
- iris
Name the component of eye that is responsible for the adjustment of eyelens?
As we increase the distance of an object from the eye, what happens to the image distance:
- 112
- 114
- 110
- 116
(a) 90∘ (b) 150∘ (c) 180∘ (d) 360∘
(i) at the front of their head ?
(ii) on the opposite sides of their head ?
(a) Horse (b) Chicken (c) Lion (d) Fish
- Glass slab
- Glass prism
- Concave lens
- Convex lens
- 25 cm
- 100 cm
- Infinity
- 50 cm
- Transmits electrical signal to brain
- Forms image
- Keeps vitreous humour clear
- Reduces the size of the pupil
(a) deeper field of view (b) coloured field of view
(c) rear field to view (d) wider field of view