Hydro Power Plants
Trending Questions
- Maharashtra
- Tamilnadu
- Rajasthan
- Karnataka
Compare and contrast biomass and hydroelectricity as sources of energy.
What are the three major problems faced because of the large dams?
Write any two advantages of hydroelectric energy.
Which method is used to produce electricity in thermal power plant?
By heating chargeable cells.
By boiling water to produce steam.
By pushing pistons by heat energy.
Any of the above.
Environmental aspects must be carefully looked into before building huge dams. Give reasons.
Mention two disadvantages of constructing Tehri Dam.
Explain the working of a windmill with a simple neat sketch. How is its energy output used?
- a.c. has an electromagnet but d.c. has a
permanent magnet - a.c. will generate a higher voltage
- a.c.has slip rings but the d.c. has a commutator
- a.c. dynamo hyas a coil wound on soft iron,
but the d.c. dynamo has a coil wound on copper
Which of the following is not a consequence of establishing hydroelectric power plants?
(a) displacement of people (b) production of methane
(c) occurrence of floods (d) ecological disturbance
Write the energy conversion that takes place in a hydropower plant?
State the major difference between an AC and a DC generator.
Which of these can be considered as disadvantage of hydropower generation?
Dams can be constructed only in limited areas.
Large areas of land get submerged within water when dams are erected.
Submerged vegetation rots under anaerobic conditions and produce methane, a green house gas.
All of these
- Potential energy possessed by stored water is converted into kinetic energy
- Kinetic energy possessed by stored water is converted into potential energy
- Electricity is extracted from the water
- Water is converted into steam to produce electricity
- It produces electricity with minimal pollution.
- It does not reduce quality of water.
- It causes rehabilitation of people.
- It is renewable source of energy.
Give reasons for the following.
Flowing water can be used to produce electrical energy.
Why hydel energy is generally not preferred?
Water is used as a coolant in thermal power station.
- Potential energy
- Chemical energy
- Sound energy
- Electrical energy
Mention any two advantages and two disadvantages of producing hydroelectricity.
The harnessing of which of the following leads to the destruction of large eco-systems ?
(a) thermal power (b) tidal power (c) hydro power (d) geothermal power
Statement 2: Dynamo converts mechanical energy from turbine to electrical energy.
- Statement 1 and statement 2 are correct, but statement 2 is not the reason for statement 1.
- Statement 1 is correct and statement 2 is incorrect.
- Statement 1 and statement 2 are correct , and statement 2 is the reason for statement 1.
- Both statements are incorrect.
In a hydroelectric power plant more electrical power can be generated if water falls from a greater height because
(a) its temperature increases
(b) larger amount of potential energy is converted into kinetic energy
(c) the electricity content of water increases with height
(d) more water molecules dissociate into ions
Give two similarities between an AC generator and a DC motor.
What is the significance of building a dam in hydro power plants?
Dams convert potential energy of water to kinetic energy.
Large amount of water stored in the dams have higher potential energy.
Dams are used for rain water harvesting.
Dams are used to store drainage water.
What are the limitations of extracting energy from -
(a) the wind? (b) Waves? (c) Tides?
How is electricity produced in a hydroelectric power station?