Infrasonic, Ultrasonic and Audio waves
Trending Questions
Cite an experiment to show that sound needs a material medium for its propagation.
- Sound is a wave.
- Sound can travel in a vacuum.
- Sound is a form of energy.
- None of these
- The depth of a sea
- Height of a mountain
- The height of a hill
- The height of a plateau
For a screw gauge, how are the pitch and least count related?
Generally, women have a shriller voice than men, this is because they produce a sound which has higher:
Time period
How do some animals possibly know about the earthquakes before human beings? Do bats use the same ability to hunt their prey?
A rescue plane flies horizontally at a constant speed searching for a disabled boat. When the plane is directly above the boat, the boats crew blows a loud horn. By the time the planes sound detector receives the horns sound, the plane has travelled a distance equal to one half of its altitude above the ocean. If it takes sound to reach the plane, then determine (a) speed of plane, (b) its altitude. Speed of sound as .
- 1.05
Will the sound be audible, if the string is set into vibration on the surface of the moon?
Give the reason for your answer.
a) Dogs, b) Whales, c) Bats, d) Dolphins
- b, c and d
- a, b and d
- a and c
- All of these
There are two boxes A & B. Cell phones are kept in both the boxes, all air is sucked from box A and then closed by a device. While box B is simply closed by a device without sucking air from it. A call is made simultaneously on both the phones, but the sound comes only from box B. This is because
Statement 1: In box B there are air particles to vibrate but in box A there is a vacuum
Statement 2: Sound needs a medium for propagation
A sonar signal sent down from ship, is reflected from the ocean floor and detected by a hydrophone 0.6 s later. Calculate the depth of the ocean.
Take the speed of sound in sea water as
Which of the following correctly supports the fact that bats can hunt at night?
They have an excellent eyesight.
They can smell their prey.
They use ultrasonic waves to detect the position of the prey.
They have excellent camouflage capability.
Will the sound be audible if string is set into vibration on the surface of the moon. Give reason for your answer.
Write some applications of ultrasonic sound in surgical applications?
- Myopia
- Astigmatism
- Cataract
- Presbyopia
- Auditory nerve
- Ear canal
- Ear drum
- Cochlea
- Pinna
- True
- False
- Sound of bees are in infrasonic range while sound of vibrations of pendulum are in ultrasonic range
- Sound of vibrations of pendulum is in audible rays
- None is true
- Sound of bees are in audible range
- Frequency of vibration of pendulum is more than 20 Hz
- Frequency of vibration of pendulum is very high.
- Frequency of vibration of pendulum is less than 20 Hz
- Frequency of vibration of pendulum is exactly equal to 20 Hz.
List some of the methods used to determine very long distances.
- 1120Hz, Yes
- 11200Hz, Yes
- 11200Hz, No
- 1120Hz, No
- 0.05s to 5×10−5 s
- 0.5s to 5×10−5 s
- 5s to 5×10−5 s
- 0.05s to 2.5×10−5 s
- To track medical problems
- To study molecular structures
- For navigational studies and by animals to locate prey and obstacles
- All of the above
Choose the correct option:
1.Tonei.frequencies that are integral multiple of fundamental frequency.2.Noteii.sound of single frequency.3.Overtoneiii.sound of multiple frequencies.4.Harmoniciv.higher frequencies other than fundamental frequency.
1 - ii, 2 - iii, 3 - iv, 4 - i.
1 - iii, 2 - ii, 3 - iv, 4 - i
1 - ii, 2 - iii, 3 - i, 4 - iv
1 - ii, 2 - iv, 3 - iii, 4 - i
- They produce infrasonic waves.
- They can hear ultrasonic sounds.
- They produce infrared waves.
- They can hear infrared waves.
input audio signal is given below. which of the following can be amplified audio signal
If the frequency of sound lies between 20 and 20000 , it is known as __________ sound.