Nuclear Fission
Trending Questions
What is a chain reaction?
- 0.9×1010J
- 0.9×1014J
- 9×1012J
- 9×1013J
In an α-decay the kinetic energy of α particle is and Q-value of the reaction is . The mass number of the mother nucleus is: (Assume that daughter nucleus is in ground state)
None of these
- Nuclear fission
- Nuclear fusion
- Gamma decay
- Beta decay
The energy released in the fission of 1 kg of U-235 is equivalent to energy obtained from the burning of coal weighing ___
2500 ton
25000 ton
25 ton
250 ton
Why do only big nuclei undergo nuclear fission reaction?
Bigger nuclei have very less number of protons which makes them unstable.
Bigger nuclei are unstable because of presence of large number of like charge particles.
Bigger nuclei have less number of neutron which makes them unstable.
In case of bigger nuclei, electron reside inside the nucleus.
In nuclear fission, the mass of reactants is more than the mass of products.
- 932.58
- fission
- fusion
- decay
An uncontrolled nuclear chain reaction forms the basis of :
(a) nuclear power plant (b) hydrogen bomb (c) thermal power station (d) atom bomb
The energy produced inside the star is due to the process called nuclear fusion.
The nuclear energy is measured as___________.
Nuclear Fission/fusion occurs with destruction of same mass and evolution of large amount of energy.But law of conservation of mass says that mass can neither be created nor be destroyed. How?
Can Mass be converted into energy ?
- 235 g
- 222 g
- 105 g
- 444 g
Explain nuclear fission in brief.
Can fusion reactors explode?
Neutrons were discovered by bombarding beryllium with ________ particles.
In one average-life,
half the active nuclei decay
less than half the active nuclei today
more than half the active nuclei decay
all the nuclei decay
- The rest mass of a stable nucleus is equal to the sum of the rest masses of its separated nucleons
- The rest mass of a stable nucleus is greater than the sum of the rest masses of its separated nucleons.
- In nuclear fusion, energy is released by fusing two nuclei of medium mass (approximately 100 a.m.u.)
- In nuclear fission, energy is released by fragmentation of a very heavy nucleus
- 3.25 billion years
- 6.49 million years
- 3.25 million years
- 6.49 billion years
A uranium nucleus at rest decays into a thorium nucleus and a helium nucleus, as shown below. Which of the following is true?
Each decay product has the same kinetic energy.
The decay products tend to go in the same direction.
The thorium nucleus has more momentum than the helium nucleus.
The helium nucleus has more kinetic energy than the thorium nucleus.
Which of the following is a good nuclear fuel?
- alpha particle
- beta particle
- proton
- neutron
(b) If radium undergoes further disintegration and emits two β - particles, represent the reaction in the form of an equation.
- generate electricity
- cool the moderator
- heat the control rods
- merge uranium atoms