Trending Questions
What is the rainbow? How is rainbow formed?
Which of the following phenomena of light are involved in the formation of a rainbow?
- Dispersion
- Total internal reflection
- All of the above
- Refraction
What is the colour seen at the inner and outer edge of the rainbow respectively?
Violet, Red
Red, Violet
Violet, Blue
Orange, Red
- True
- False
What is meant by dispersion of white light ? Describe the formation of rainbow in the sky with the help of a diagram.
Can we see rainbow on a sunny day give a situation to support your answer
A rainbow can be seen in the sky
when the sun is in front of you.
when the sun is behind you
when the sun is overhead.
only at the time of sunrise.
- Fog
- Dust particles
- Air
- Raindrops
Which of the following phenomena of light are involved in the formation of a rainbow?
(a) Reflection, refraction and dispersion
(b) Refraction, dispersion and total internal reflection
(c) Refraction, dispersion and internal reflection
(d) Dispersion, scattering and total internal reflection
From below given colors, which colour is not present in 7 colours of rainbow?
How do water droplets acts like prism?
What is the number of reflection and refraction taking place in water droplet in a primary rainbow?
Reflection - 2
Refraction - 2Reflection - 2
Refraction - 1Reflection - 1
Refraction - 2Reflection - 1
Refraction - 1
Can we also see a rainbow on a sunny day? Give situation to support your answer.
A passenger is an aeroplane will
never see a rainbow
may see a rainbow as concentric circle
may see a rainbow as concentric arcs
may see a rainbow as straight bands
Rainbow is always formed in a direction opposite to that of the sun.
- Red
- Blue
- Violet
- Indigo
- Green
- True
- False
A passenger in an airplane will
never see a rainbow
may see a rainbow as concentric circle
may see a rainbow as concentric arcs
may see a rainbow as straight bands