Solar Cell
Trending Questions
How does solar energy convert heat energy into electrical energy?
A solar cell converts solar energy into
(a) What is a solar cell ? Draw the labelled diagram of a solar cell.
(b) Name the semi-conductor material which is usually used for making solar cells.
(c) Write the uses of solar cells.
What are the disadvantages of using solar cell(solar power)?
The availability of special grade silicon for making cells is limited.
The entire process of manufacturing is very expensive.
The efficiency is low.
It is dangerous.
- Mechanical energy
- Electrical energy
- Heat energy
- Sound energy
Name the material used in making solar cells.
A solar cell converts ........... energy into ............... energy.
A combination of large number of solar cells is called
solar cell panel
Solar plant
Solar cooker
None of these
The chief energy transformation that occurs in an electric cell (primary) is
Heat energy into electrical energy
Chemical energy into electrical energy
Electrical energy into Heat energy
Electrical energy into Chemical energy
- Mechanical
- Electrical
- Sound
- Kinetic
………..are used in artificial satellites and space stations.
In a village named Kowakol in Bihar, there is no electricity. Still, Mr. Darshan Ram uses many electric appliances at his home like TV and Fridge. He is using a device to produce electricity. But Mr. Ram is not able to use electric appliances when the weather is cloudy. What is that device called?
Solar cooker
Solar panel (set of solar cells)
Solar heater
Biogas generator
Name the device which directly converts solar energy into electrical energy.
A solar cell is made up of ______.
A cell convert chemical energy into____________.
Among the given options which element is used in making solar cells?
Monocrystalline silicon
List (i) any three advantages and (ii) any three limitations of using a solar cooker
What are solar cells?
High cost and low efficiency are the disadvantages of solar energy. Then then how can it be used in artificial satellites and space probes?
- Kamuthi in Tamil Nadu
- Madurai in Tamil Nadu
- Madhapur in Madhya Pradesh
- Madhapur in Gujarat
- heat energy
- mechanical energy
- chemical energy
- solar energy
- Tidal energy
- Thermal energy
- Ocean thermal energy
- Solar energy
The electric needs of an artificial satellite are fulfilled by using
nuclear energy
wind energy
solar cell panels