Kingdom Protista
Trending Questions
Some hyperthermophilic organisms that grow in highly acidic (pH=2) habitats belong to the two groups:
Eubacteria and Archaea
Cyanobacteria and Diatoms
Protists and Mosses
Liverworts and Yeasts
Q. Maximum nutritional diversity is found in the group
- Protista
- Plantae
- Fungi
- Animalia
Consumer Protists are classified into four groups based on
complexity of body structure
cell wall
locomotory organelles
mode of nutrition
Q. Which one is not a protozoan protist?
- Paramecium caudatum
- Plasmodium vivax
- Trypanosoma gambiense
- Enterobius vermicularis
Q. Aquatic, actively moving organism by thousands of cilia and have a cavity (gullet) that opens to the outside of the cell surface included in which group?
- Ciliated Protozoans
- Sporozoans
- Flagellated Protozoans
- Amoeboid Protozoans
Q. The protozoan with heliopodia as locomotory structures is
- Actinophrys
- Elphidium
- Euglypha
- Entamoeba
Q. Which among the following statements is NOT correct?
- Contractile vacuoles regulate osmoregulation in fresh water
protozoans - Euglena belongs to class Kinetoplastea
- Trypanosoma belongs to the class
Kinetoplastea - Phylum Apicomplexa includes Plasmodium
Most Protists are considered to be the 'producers' in the food chain. Which one of the following organelles is responsible for this consideration?
Q. The diagram above represents a freshwater protist. The structure that prevents the accumulation of excess water is represented by

- A
- B
- C
- D
- None of the above
Q. Which among the following is a common feature in both Monerans and Protists?
- Presence of well-defined nucleus
- Presence of membrane bound cell organelles
- Presence of cell membrane
- Presence of 80S ribosomes
Q. what are the steps involved during the sexual cycle in kingdum fungi
Q. Which of the following modes of reproduction is/are seen in protists?
- Multiple fission
- Binary fission
- Conjugation
- Budding