Trending Questions
- 1 m/s2
- 2 m/s2
- 0.5 m/s2
- 10 m/s2
Swimming is possible on account of
First law of motion
Second law of motion
Third law of motion
Newton's law of gravitation
The principle used in swimming is Newtons third law of motion.
- True
- False

- 10 N
- 100 N
- 25 N
- 50 N
How does a swimmer moves forward in water?
If action and reaction are always equal and opposite, why dont they always cancel one another and leave no net force for accelerating a body?
Swimming is based on the principle of:
Newton’‘s 1st law
Newton‘s 2nd law
Newton’s 3rd law
[Given, mass of bigger pulley =2m, radius of bigger pulley =R, mass of smaller pulley =m and radius of smaller pulley =R2]

- 43mg, 2g9
- 94mg, 92g
- mg, g
- mg, g2
In the arrangement of three blocks as shown in figure, the string is inextensible. If the directions of accelerations are as shown in the figure, then determine the constraint relation.
None of these
A stick is thrown in the air and lands on the ground at same distance from the thrower. The centre of mass of the stick will move along a parabolic path
only if the stick has a shape such that its centre of mass is located at same point on it and not outside
in all cases
only if the stick has linear motion but no rotational motion
only if the stick is uniform

(where g is acceleration due to gravity)
- g3
- g2
- g
- g5
Top view of a block on a table is shown (g = 10 m/s2). Find out the acceleration of the block, when friction is present. M = 10 kg
0 m
- 5 m
1 m
- 4) m
Why does a swimmer moves his hands backward while swimming in water?

- 4 kg
- 5 kg
- 2 kg
- 8 kg
Swimming can be explained by
Newtons law of gravitation
First law of motion
Second law of motion
Third law of motion

- aA=g7 m/s2
- aB=0 m/s2
- ac=g14 m/s2
- 2aC=aA
The relation between the magnitudes of acceleration of pulley P1 (ap1) and that of pulley P3 (ap3) is
“Action and reaction are equal and opposite, still their resultant is not zero.” Explain.

- Tension in the string connecting P1, P3 and P4 is zero.
- Tension in the string connecting P1, P3 and P4 is mg/3 .
- Tension in all the 3 strings is same and equal to zero.
- Acceleration of P6 is g downward and that of P7 is g upward.