Assets Side of Balance Sheet
Trending Questions
- Current Asset
- Non-Current Asset
- Short-term Asset
- Long-term Asset
Bills Receivable is a:
Current Asset
Fictitious Asset
Intangible Asset
Tangible Fixed Asset
Which of these best explains fixed assets?
Are bought to be used in the business.e.
Are expensive items bought for the business.
Are items that will not wear out quickly.
Are of long life and are not purchased specifically for resale.
Are investments fixed assets?
What is the normal balance for an asset account?
- Either A or B
- None of these
(i) Bank Balance; | (ii) Investments (Long-term); | (iii) Outstanding Salary; |
(iv) Authorised Capital; | (v) Bills Payable; | |
(vi) Unclaimed Dividents; | (vii) Shares Option Outstanding Account; | |
(viii) General Reserve; and | (ix) Subsidy Reserve? |
Which of the following is a category or element of the balance sheet?
What Is Working Capital Answer in One Sentence?
ABC Co. has current assets of Rs. 50, 000 and total assets of Rs. 1, 50, 000. ABC has current liabilities of Rs. 30, 000 and total liabilities of Rs. 80, 000. What is the amount of ABC's Shareholders' Fund?
Rs. 30, 000
Rs. 70, 000
Rs. 1, 20, 000
Rs. 20, 000
Arrange the following steps involved in the process of financial planning in the correct sequence.
Preparation of a sales forecast, Estimation of expected profit, Preparation of financial statements
Preparation of a sales forecast, Preparation of financial statements, Estimation of expected profit
Preparation of financial statements, Estimation of expected profit, Preparation of a sales forecast
Estimation of expected profit, Preparation of a sales forecast, Preparation of financial statements
- tallying
- marking
- ruling
- marshalling
What is the importance of long-term assets?
Patent is a/an:
All of these
Notes to accounts
- True
- False
- ₹20, 000
- ₹30, 000
- ₹1, 20, 000
- ₹70, 000
How many types of fixed assets are there?
Another name for the balance sheet is ___________.
- Statement of financial performance
- None of these
Statement of financial position
Statement of operations
[0.88 marks]
- Total liabilities
- Current liabilities
- Non-current liabilities
- Current assets
- True
- False
- True
- False
- Trial balance
- Balance sheet
- Bank reconciliation statement
- Profit and loss account.
Transfer of a negotiable instrument to another person by signing on it, is known as Endorsement.
- True
- False
- debit balance in cash book
- both (B) and (C)
- credit balance in the cash book
- credit balance in pass book
- liquid assets
- intangible assets
- current assets
- tangible assets
- It is a list of balances and forms the starting point for the preparation of the business accounts.
- All the balances in the trial balance will be summarized on the business balance sheet.
- It shows the financial position of a business.
- None of the above.
- Building
- Bank Balance
- Computer
- Trade Receivable
- Machinery
- Land
- Inventories
- Car
- A Trial balance is a list of all entries made in the books of account
- A Trial balance is a list of balances in all assets accounts
- A Trial balance is a list of balances in the cash account and all ledger accounts.
- A Trial balance is another ledger account
- Capital Expenditure
- Revenue Expenditure
- Deferred Revenue Expenditure
- Prepaid Expenses
- Current Asset
- Fictitious asset
- Tangible asset
- Intangible asset.
- intangible assets
- long lived assets
- wasting assets
- depleting assets