Recap of Accounting Process
Trending Questions
Explain the meaning of Analysis and Interpretation.
(a) A wants that interest on capital should be allowed to the partners but B and C do not agree.
(b) B wants that the partners should be allowed to draw salary but A and C do not agree.
(c) C wants that the loan given by him to the firm should bear interest @ 10% p.a. but A and B do not agree.
(d) A and B having contributed larger amounts of capital, desire that the profits should be divided in the ratio of their capital contribution but C does not agree.
State how you will settle these disputes if the partners approach you for purpose.
What are the advantages of a ledger?
What Is the Importance of the Partnership Deed?
The account format that displays debits credits balances and headings: a) General Journal (b) General Ledger (c) T- account (d) Ledger Account
What are the basic accounting procedures?
What Is Meant by analysis of Financial Statements? State Any Two Objectives of Such an Analysis.
- drawings
- profit
- capital
- interest
Why is rectification of errors needed?
What term is used for the amount invested by the owner in the business?
How Does Management Accounting Differ From Financial Accounting?
Which is the correct sequence of the following steps in the accounting cycle?
- drawings
- interest
- profit
- capital
What Are the Distinct Stages in Accounting?
- drawings
- interest
- profit
- capital
What change does profit makes to capital?
Profit gets added to the capital
Profit has no change to capital
Profit gets reduced from capital
All of these
How are the various activities classified (as per AS-3 revised) while preparing cash flow statement?
What distinguishes partnership from the sole proprietorship?
Presence of more than one owner
Owner expectation from the business
Preparation of trial balance
Posting of journal
What term is used as the amount charged from the owner for withdrawing money from the business?
Interest on Capital
Interest on Drawings
Share in profit
What are the features of a ledger account?
Process of financial planning ends with _____. a) Preparation of Projected Statements b) Ordering the employees that projected figures come true c) Preparation of Actual Statements d) Comparison of Actual with Projected
How do you balance ledger accounts?
- Statutory Auditor
- Reserve Bank of India
- Customer
- Business enterprises
Answer in one sentence only.
Which types of accounts are normally not kept under Single Entry System?
What are 3 sole proprietorship businesses?
- True
- False