Adaptive Radiation
Trending Questions
Why is genetic variation important for evolution?
- Behavioural differences in their foraging activities
- Cooperation in their foraging efforts
- All of the above
- Different kinds of insects they eat
- convergent evolution
- adaptive radiation
- industrial melanism
- connecting link
Adaptive radiation is an example of [1]
(a) divergent evolution
(b) convergent evolution
(c) parallel evolution
(d) randomised evolution
- Genetic drift
- Continental drift
- Hitting of asteroid
- Industrial revelution
What is Darwins theory of evolution?
The wings of bat, locust and pigeon are the example of -
Homologous organs
Analogous organs
Vestigial organs
What Is The Best Definition For Biological Evolution?
What is the smallest biological unit that can evolve?
why is that the eye of the octopus and mammals come under analogous structure when its basic structure is same? If brains of fish and mammals can come under homologous structures because of its basic structure then why not the eye?
Two different species cannot live for a long duration in the same niche or habitat. This law is :
Allen's law
Gause's law
Competitive exclusion principle.
Weissman's theory
Define homologous and analogous organs.
(a) A 15 mya primate that was ape-like.
(b) A 2 mya primate that lived in East African grasslands.
Hand of man, wing of bat and flipper of seal represent:
Vestigeal organs
Evolutionary organs
Homologous organs
Analogous organs
- Darwin's finches
- Human arms and wings of birds
- Australian marsupials
- Thorn and tendrils

- Divergent evolution
- Convergent evolution
- Adaptive radiation
- Both B and C
Where Can Opposite Phyllotaxy Be Seen?
- Adaptation in an individual to a variety of environments
- Evolution of many different species from a common ancestor
- Migration of members of a species to different geographical areas
- Adaptations due to geographical isolation
Hand of man, wings of bat and flippers of seal represent?
Vestigial organs
Analogous organs
Evolutionary organs
Homologous organs
(i) Adaptive radiation of marsupials of Australia.
(ii) Appearance of antibiotic resistant microbes.
(iii) Evolution of finches in Galapagos islands.
(iv) Appearance of dark winged moth in England during post industrialisation period.
(v) Convergent evolution of placental mammals in Australia.
- (i) and (ii)
- (v) only
- (ii) only
- (ii) and (iv) only
- (iii) and (v) only
What is biological evolution?
- Divergent evolution
- Convergent evolution
- Saltation
- Anthropogenic evolution