Adelphy of Stamens
Trending Questions
Are antipodal cells and synergids haploid or diploid . how?
- Cotton, pea and Citrus exhibit cohesion of stamens
- Calotropis and Cassia have imbricate aestivation in their corolla
- The anterior petals in pea are called alae
- Cucurbits and orchids show syngenesious condition
- central cell
- synergid
antipodal cell
- egg
- China rose and Citrus
- China rose
- Citrus
- Pea
Which of the following parts of a plant take part in sexual reproduction? (i) Flower (ii) Seed (iii) Fruit (iv) Branch. Choose the correct answer from below.
(i) and (ii)
(i), (ii) and (iii)
(iii) and (iv)
(ii), (iii) and (iv)
The term 'polyadelphous' is related to
- polyadelphous
- diadelphous
- monadelphous
- triadelphous
What is a staminode?
What is a syngenesious condition?
- 4, 800
- 9, 600
- 24, 000
- 48, 000
Why do some pollen grains fail to germinate?
Mention function of carpel.
- is a stage of gametophytic generation.
- produces apical bud which forms leafy plant body.
- All of the above.
- is creeping, green, branched and develops indirectly from a spore.
- monandrous
- monadelphous
- diadelphous
- polyadelphous
Is maize dioecious?
When pollen grain is shed at 3-celled stage, name the cells it contains.
A) 1 vegetative cell and 2 male gametes
B) 1 generative cell and 2 male gametes
What kind of division occurs in pollen grains
- Cruciferae
- Papilionaceae
- Liliaceae
- Compositae
Do plants reproduce asexually or sexually?
Pollen grains are male gametes.
- True
- False
- antipodal cell
- egg cell
- secondary nucleus
- Generative cell
- Microspore
- Vegetative cell
- Outer wall of anther

- Morning glory
- Marigold
- Fly agaric
- Datura
The opening through which male gametes enters the ovule is called
Reason: In Pea, stamens are united into one bunch or one bundle.
- Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanation for Assertion
- Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not the correct explanation for Assertion
- Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect
- Both Assertion and Reason are incorrect
Stamens make egg cells.
- True
- False
Give one word for the following:
The swollen tip of a flower.