Amino Acids
Trending Questions
How are amino-acids classified?
- Prosthetic group
- Coenzymes
- Metal ions
- Both a and b
Are nucleotides acidic or basic?
Write about the membrane proteins and their functions.
What does a transamination mainly involve?
- They have both primary and secondary structure
- They act as both acids as well as bases
- They are both aliphatic and aromatic
- They can be essential or non-essential
- yellow in colour
- branched
- made up of elastin protein
- white in colour
Why Should Amino Acids Be Deaminated?
Which of the following is not an aromatic amino acid?
How many types of proteins are in the human body?
Column I | Column II |
A. Elaioplast | I. Storage of starch |
B. Aleuroplast | II. Storage of fat |
C. Amyloplast | III. Storage of protein |
D. Chromoplast | IV. Coloured pigments |
- A-I, B-IV, C-II, D-III
- A-IV, B-I, C-III, D-II
- A-II, B-III, C-I, D-IV
- A-IV, B-III, C-II, D-I
- testa
- aleurone layer
- coleoptile
- scutellum

- 1
- 2
- 6
- 10
Amino acids have substituent groups occupying the four valency positions of the central carbon atom. The substituents are
- hydrogen, carboxyl group, amino group
- two hydrogen, carboxyl group and amino group
- two carboxyl groups, two amino groups
- hydrogen, carboxyl group, amino group and a variable R group
- Gluconeogenesis
- Glycogenolysis
- Glycolysis
- Glycogenesis
- chromoplast
- Elaioplast
- Aleuroplast
- Amyloplast
What is the importance of endosperm ?Give 10 points?
(i) Catalase
(ii) Carboxypeptidase
(iii) Succinic dehydrogenase
(iv) Peroxidase
- (i) only
- (i) and (ii)
- (ii) and (iii)
- (i) and (iv)
Pyrenoids are made up of
A. Core of starch surrounded by protein sheath
B. Proteinaceous center and starchy sheath
C. Core of protein surrounded by nucleic acid sheath
D. Core of protein surroundes by fatty sheath
- Peptide
- Amino acid
- Zwitterion
- Amide
- 32 each
- 16 each
- 8 each
- 4 each
- Myoglobin
- Haemoglobin
- All of the above
- Keratin
What do glycoproteins, lipoproteins, nucleoproteins and chromoproteins have?
Attempt titrating an amino acid against a weak base and discover the number of dissociating (ionizable) functional groups in the amino acid.
- Very rare
- Important constituent of all proteins
- With high nutritive value
- Not formed in the body and has to be provided in diet.
- It moves towards the anode
- It moves along the direction of the electric field
- It moves towards the cathode
- It neither moves towards anode nor towards the cathode
Column-IColumn-II(Triplet codons)(Amino acids)AUUU(1)AlanineBCCC(2)GlycineCAAA(3)LysineDGGG(4)Proline(5)Phenylalanine
- (A)–4, (B)–5, (C)–2, (D)–3
- (A)–5, (B)–4, (C)–3, (D)–2
- (A)–1, (B)–2, (C)–4, (D)–5
- (A)-2, (B)-3, (C)-4, (D)–5
- Pancreas
- Intestine
- Gastric glands
- Liver