Artificial Selection by Man
Trending Questions
Which of the following is not true about evolution?
Genetic variation adds up to evolution.
Organisms cannot evolve adaptations in anticipation of future events.
Evolution is a continuous process
Is the same as natural selection
Can we call human evolution as adaptive radiation?
Which is a good example of adaptive evolution?
Q. Which of the following is not an example of evolution due to human alteration of the environment?
- Antibiotic resistance
- Melanic and non-melanic moths
- Evolution of marsupials
- DDT-resistant mosquitoes
Q. Define the term gene flow.
Q. human evloution can be a example of adaptive radiation .
Q. Evolution always occurs through natural forces. It cannot be carried out through artificial selection.
- True
- False
Q. Darwin finches show a variety of beaks suited for eating large seeds, flying insets and cactus seeds but the ancestral stock of darwin finches were :-
- Seed eater
- Meat eater
- Insect eater
- Root eater
Q. Artificial selection to obtain cows yielding higher milk output represents:
- stabilizing selection as it stabilizes this character in the population
- directional as it pushes the mean of the character in one direction
- disruptive as it splits the population into two, one yielding higher output and the other lower output.
- stabilizing folloued by disruptive as it stabilizes the population to produce higher yield ing cows.
Q. Evolution always occurs through natural forces. It cannot be carried out through artificial selection.
- False
- True
Q. Selective breeding, progeny testing and improvement are taking place in
- Cattle
- Buffalo
- Sheep
- Annual food crops
Q. Domestication can lead to evolution of a species.
- True
- False
Q. Domestication can lead to evolution of a species.
- True
- False
Q. Which of the following is not an example of evolution due to human alteration of the environment?
- DDT-resistant mosquitoes
- Antibiotic resistance
- Melanic and non-melanic moths
- Evolution of marsupials
Can we call human evolution as adaptive radiation?
Q. After comparing DNA sequences of several mammals, the lesser panda and the giant panda were reclassified as belonging to different taxonomic families, with the giant panda staying classified in the family of Ursidae (bears) and the lesser panda now being classified in the family of Procyonidae (raccoons).
Which of the following best explains the morphological similarities seen in these two species?
Which of the following best explains the morphological similarities seen in these two species?
- Similar sexual selective pressures led to similar morphological features.
- Any morphologically similar structures observed between the giant panda and the lesser panda are analogous in nature.
- Morphological similarities between giant pandas and lesser pandas are due to the inheritance of shared derived characteristics.
- Species from the families Ursidae and Procyonidae share an ancient common ancestor.
Q. Evolution always occurs through natural forces. It cannot be carried out through artificial selection.
- False
- True
Q. What are the criteria of DNA to act as genetic material?
Q. Inbreeding depression can be overcome by: 1) mating of animals of same breed, but having no common ancestors on either side of their pedigree upto 4-6 generations 2) mating males of one breed with superior females of another breed 3) interspecific hybridisation 4) all of these The answer is given (1), but isnt it (4)? If (1) can prevent inbreeding depression, surely (2) and (3) also can right?
Q. The degree of gene flow that takes place depends on
- The size of the gaps that separate the population
- The distance over which mating usually takes place
- Both A and B
- None of the above
Q. Artificial selection to obtain cows vielding higher milk output represents :
- stabilizing selection as it stabilizes this character in the population
- directional as it pushes the mean of the character in one direction
- disruptive as it splits the population into two, one yielding higher output and the other lower output.
- stabilizing folloued by disruptive as it stabilizes the population to produce higher yield ing cows.
Q. Which of the following cannot be considered to be a general method of evolution for any random population?
- Mutation
- Antibiotic resistance
- Natural selection
- Genetic drift
Define evolution by antropogenic action?
A total of 12 bird species having distinct diets, behavior, coloration and beak shapes inhabit a large volcanic island in the South Atlantic 500 miles from the Coast of Africa not found on the mainland. Two species are flightless herbivores. A bird found on the mainland is related to these bird species but it does not fly over water but can occasionally survive at sea in a storm. There are no reptiles, mammals or amphibians on the island, although there are many insect and plant species.
A grass species on the island is homozygous at 40 different loci that are heterozygous on the mainland. These loci affect leaf shape, stem height, the opening and closing of stomata and root length, among their traits. Which of the following is true?
Read the passage and answer the following question.
A total of 12 bird species having distinct diets, behavior, coloration and beak shapes inhabit a large volcanic island in the South Atlantic 500 miles from the Coast of Africa not found on the mainland. Two species are flightless herbivores. A bird found on the mainland is related to these bird species but it does not fly over water but can occasionally survive at sea in a storm. There are no reptiles, mammals or amphibians on the island, although there are many insect and plant species.
- The plant reproduces only in an asexual manner.
- The plant is less able to evolve to fit a new environment in the event of a climate change.
- Migration of seeds from the mainland eliminates genetic diversity in the gene pool of the plant.
- The plant is polyploid.
- The grass species requires pollination by birds.
Q. Which of the following refer to correct example(s) of organisms which have evolved due to changes of environment brought about by anthropogenic action?
(a) Darwin’s Finches of Galapagos islands
(b) Herbicide resistant weeds
(c) Drug resistant eukaryotes
(d) Man-created breeds of domesticated animals like dogs
(a) Darwin’s Finches of Galapagos islands
(b) Herbicide resistant weeds
(c) Drug resistant eukaryotes
(d) Man-created breeds of domesticated animals like dogs
Q. Improved race of pigeon is due to
- Natural selection
- Environment selection
- Artificial selection
- Protective selection