Axile and Parietal Placentation
Trending Questions
What is the significance of ubisch bodies?
Q. Axile placentation is present in
- Argemone
- Dianthus
- Pea
- Lemon
Q. How many of the given plants have axile placentation?
Withania somnifera, Aloe barbadensis, Asparagus, Sesbania, Gloriosa
Withania somnifera, Aloe barbadensis, Asparagus, Sesbania, Gloriosa
- One
- Three
- Five
- Four
Q. Axile placentation is present in:
- Argemone
- Dianthus
- Pea
- Lemon
How can you differentiate between the free central and axile placentation?
Q. Axile placentation is present in:
- Argemone
- Dianthus
- Lemon
- Pea
Parietal placentation is characteristic of
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis
Solanum nigrum
Brassica campestris
Allium cepa
Q. In a unilocular ovary, the ovules develop on the inner wall of the ovary. This type of placentation is called
- basal
- axile
- parietal
- free central
Q. [A]: Endothecium of anther wall helps in dehiscence of anther
[R]: It has Stomium
[R]: It has Stomium
- Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
- Both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
- A is true but R is false
- A and R are false
Q. Ovules in Argemone develop on the inner wall of the ovary. It exhibits
- parietal placentation
- marginal placentation
- axile placentation
- free central placentation
Q. Match column I with column II.

- A-II, B-IV, C-I, D-III
- A-III, B-IV, C-II, D-I
- A-II, B-I, C-IV, D-III
- A-IV, B-I, C-II, D-III
Q. In a multilocular ovary, ovules are borne on the entire inner surface. This placentation is called
Why the ovary becomes two chambered in mustard?
An example of axile placentation is
Q. Ovules in Argemone develop on the inner wall of the ovary. It exhibits
- parietal placentation
- marginal placentation
- axile placentation
- free central placentation
Q. Which one of the following organisms is correctly matched with its three characteristics?
- Pea : C3 pathway, Endospermic seed, Vexillary aestivation
- Tomato : Twisted aestivation, Axile placentation, Berry
- Onion : Bulb, Imbricate aestivation, Axile placentation
- Maize : C3 pathway, Closed vascular bundles, Scutellum
Q. Parietal placentation occurs in family
- Liliaceae.
- Asteraceae
- Solanaceae
- Brassicaceae
Q. Plants having inferior ovary produce
- Pseudocarps
- Seedless fruits
- Berries
- Adventitious roots
Most important character of Brassica campesteris is
- Ebracteate
- Imbricate aestivation
- False septum
- Parietal placentation
Q. Examine the given figure and select the option that correctly identifies all the four parts (A, B, C and D).

- A-Archegoniophore, B-Female thallus, C-Gemma cup, D-Rhizoids
- A-Archegoniophore, B-Female thallus, C-Bud, D-Gemma cup
- A-Seta, B-Sporophyte, C-Protonema, D-Rhizoids
- A-Male thallus, B-Antheridiophore, C-Globule, D-Adventitious roots
Q. Hybrid Pea plant with yellow round seeds (YyRr) is self pollinated. Phenotypic ratio of next generation would be
- 13 : 3
- 9 : 7
- 1 : 4 : 6 : 4 : 1
- 9 : 3 : 3 : 1.
Q. Placentation, in which ovules develop on the inner wall of the ovary or in peripheral part, is:
- free central
- basal
- axile
- parietal
Q. Ovules in Argemone develop on the inner wall of the ovary. It exhibits
- parietal placentation
- marginal placentation
- axile placentation
- free central placentation