Cardiac Output
Trending Questions
- 70 ml
- 100 ml
- 50 ml
- 80 ml
- Reduce both heart rate and cardiac output
- Heat rate is increased without affecting the cardiac output
- Both heart rate and cardiac output increase
- Heart rate decreases but cardiac output increases
- 5040
- 5400
- 5600
- 5800
- 3600 mL
- 5040 mL
- 2520 mL
- 9360 mL
- Sympathetic nerves
- Parasympathetic neural signals
- Pneumotaxic centre
- Adrenal medullary hormones
In a standard ECG, which one of the following alphabets is the correct representation of the respective activity of human heart?
R – repolarisation of ventricles
P – depolarisation of Atria
S – start of systole
T – end of diastole
- 7200 ml
- 5000 ml
- 360 ml
- 3600 ml
When is the second sound of cardiac cycle is heard through the stethoscope by a doctor?
When AV valves open up.
When ventricular walls vibrate due to gushing in blood from atria.
When semilunar valves close down after the blood flows down into vessels from ventricles.
When AV node receives signal from SA node.
What is the function of the hilus? Is the word "hilum" the plural form of "hilus"?
Which among the following is correct during each cardiac cycle ?
(a) The volume of blood pumped out by the Rt and Lt ventricle is same
(b) The volume of blood pumped out by the Rt and Lt ventricle is different
(c) The volume of blood received by each atrium is different
(d) The volume of blood received by the ariria and pulmonary artery is different
(i) During a cardiac cycle, both ventricles pump out approximately 70 ml of blood called stroke volume.
(ii) Cardiac output can be defined as volume of blood pumped out by both ventricle per minute.
(iii) Cardiac output of an athlete will be higher than that of an ordinary man.
(iv) During each cardiac cycle two prominent sounds are produced.
How many statements are correct?
- Two
- Four
- Three
- One
In a cardiac output of 5250 ml per minute, with 75 heartbeats per minute, what is the stroke volume?
55 ml
60 ml
70 ml
80 ml
What would be the cardiac output of a person having 72 heart beats per minute and a stroke volume of 50 mL ?
- 92.5
- 130
- 72
- 50.5