Trending Questions
- Combined pill and mini pill
- Condom and non steroidal pill
- Both are combined pills
- Both are mini pills
Removal of gonads cannot be considered as a contraceptive option. Why?
Is the use of contraceptives justified? Give reasons.
What are various ways to avoid pregnancy? Elaborate on any one method.
- Creating awareness among people about various reproduction related aspects
- Providing facilities and support for building up a reproductively healthy society
- Both a and b
- To increase the mortality rate of infants, mothers and children
- Condom, Vaults, IUDs, Cervical caps
- IUDs, Diaphragm, Abstinence, Injections
- Condom, Diaphragm, Cervical caps, Vaults
- Surgical methods, Oral contraceptives, Cervical caps, vaults
Is the use of contraceptives justified? Give reasons.
Which of the following is a contraceptive?
Inra uterine device
Condom, cervical cap or diaphragm
All the above
- Increase in number of people in reproductive group
- Decline in infant mortality rate (IMR)
- Decline in death rate
- All the above
The rate of individuals born per 1, 000 individuals per year is called
Mortality rate
Vital rate
Growth rate
Natality rate
(b) Name two intra-uterine contraceptive devices that affect the motility of sperms. [3]
Which period of the menstrual cycle is called the risky period of conception?
3rd to 7th day
10th to 17th day
7th to 13th day
15th to 25th day
- Natural method of birth control: periodic abstinence
- Barrier method in males: diaphragms
- Barrier method in females: cervical caps
- IUD: LNG-20
- Barrier methods - Prevent fertilisation
- Intra uterine devices - Increase phagocytosis of sperm, suppress sperm motility and fertilising capacity of sperm
- Hormonal contraceptives - Prevent/retard entry of sperm, prevent ovulation and fertilisation
- Vasectomy - Prevents spermatogenesis
- Reproductive and Child Care
- Family and Child Care
- Reproductive and Child Health
- Reproductive and Mother Health Care
- Tubectomy - Make the uterus unsuitable for implantation
- Oral pills - Inhibit ovulation and implantation
- Diaphragms - Spermicidal and increases phagocytosis of sperms
within the uterus - IUDs - Blocks gamete transport
Depo-Provera refers to:
an implant
an oral contraceptive
an intra uterine device
an injectable contraceptive
MethodMode of actionA. The pill(i) Prevents sperms reaching cervixB. Condom(ii) Prevents implantationC. Vasectomy(iii) Prevents ovulationD. Copper−T(iv) Semen contains no sperms
- A-(iii), B-(iv), C-(i), D-(ii)
- A-(ii), B-(iii), C-(i) , D-(iv)
- A-(iii), B-(i) , C-(iv), D-(ii)
- A-(iv), B-(i), C- (ii), D-(ii)
- By a premature ejaculation during coitus
- Abortion by taking an appropriate medicine
- By abstaining from coitus from 10-17 days of menstrual cycle
- By having coitus at the time of day break
- prevent fertilisation
- increase mortality
- increase spermicidal activity
- decrease mortality
- Surgery
- Copper T
- Condom
- Oral pills
Match the following.
Column IColumn II(i) Natural contraceptiona. Levonorgestrel-20(ii) Mechanical contraceptionb. MALA-D(iii) Hormonal contraceptionc. Diaphragms(iv) Oral contraceptiond. Coitus interruptusI-b, ii-c, iii-d, iv-a
i-d, ii-c, iii-d, iv-b
i-c, ii-b, iii-d, iv-a
i-d, ii-c, iii-a, iv-b
- Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanation for Assertion
- Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not the correct explanation for Assertion
- Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect
- Both Assertion and Reason are incorrect
Match the family planning methods listed under columns I with the parts/organs in which these are used given under columns II. Choose the answer which gives the correct combination of the alphabets of the two columns.
Column−I Column−II Family Planning MethodsParts/organs usedADiaphragmpUterus(Womb)BCondomqFallopian tubeCVasectomyrVas deferensDTubectomysPenis tVagina
A=p, B=s, C=r, D=q
A=s, B=t, C=r, D=q
A=r, B=s, C=q, D=p
A=t, B=s, C=r, D=q