Cranial Nerves
Trending Questions
What is nerve impulse?
What happens when an impulse reaches the axon terminal?
Number of cranial nerves in frog:
8 pairs
10 pairs
12 pairs
Q. Sarcolemma is absent in which muscle
- striated muscle
- smooth muscle
- cardiac muscle
- none of above
What is the role of synapses in nerve impulses?
Q. The number of cranial nerves present in humans is ______.
- 10
- 12
- 8
- 14
The number of cranial nerves in man is
10 pairs
12 pairs
31 pairs
24 pairs
Q. Match the following cranial nerves to their functions.
- Smell
- Vision
- Eye movement
- Hearing
If the heart is stimulated through its vagus supply, heart rate will
shows no change
none of these
Q. Read the following statement :
A) The hepatic portal vein carries blood from intestine to the liver.
B) Heart failure means the state of heart when it is not pumping blood effectively enough to meet the need of the body part.
C) Adrenal medullary hormones can also decrease the cardiac output.
D) During a cardiac cycle, both ventricle pumps out approximately 5 L of blood.
How many statements are correct ?
A) The hepatic portal vein carries blood from intestine to the liver.
B) Heart failure means the state of heart when it is not pumping blood effectively enough to meet the need of the body part.
C) Adrenal medullary hormones can also decrease the cardiac output.
D) During a cardiac cycle, both ventricle pumps out approximately 5 L of blood.
How many statements are correct ?
- one
- two
- three
- four
Q. ln electrical synapse, impulse from pre-synaptic membrane reaches post-synaptic membrane through:
- Neurotransmitter released in synaptic cleft
- Through gap junctions present between two synaptic membranes
- Electrons that jump directly from pre-synaptic membrane to post-synaptic membrane
- Opening of K+ channels in post-synaptic membrane
Convolutions are present in the
Q. Match the following cranial nerves to their functions.
- Smell
- Vision
- Eye movement
- Hearing
Q. Which of the following tissues is responsible for the transmission of messages to brain and other parts of body?
- Epithelial tissue
- Adipose tissue
- Fibrous connective tissue
- Nervous tissue
- Muscle tissue
Q. What is indicated as a, b and c in the given figure?

- a = Haversian system, b = Interstitial lamellae, c = Concentric lamellae
- a = Concentric lamellae, b = Haversian system, c = Interstitial system
- a = Interstitial lamellae, b = Osteocyte, c = Concentric lamellae
- a = Haversian lamellae, b = Canaliculi, c = Osteocyte
The hind brain in frog consists of
- Cerebellum
- Medulla oblongata
- Diencephalon
- Both (a) and (b)
Q. Speed of nerve impulse in mammals is
- 100 meter/sec
- 1000 meter /sec
- 1 meter /sec
- None of the above
Q. Which one of the branches of cranial nerves is not related to vagus?
- Cardiac depressor
- Recurrent laryngeal
- Pneumogastric
- Chorda tympani
Q. Which of the following statements is correct?
- The new potential in a postsynaptic neuron may be either excitatory or inhibitory.
- Hypothalamus is the major coordination centre for sensory and motor signalling.
- The tracts of nerve fibres that connect two cerebral hemispheres are called corpora bigemina.
- Electrical synapses are more common in our neural system than chemical synapses.
Q. what r the structures associated with larynx??and also paired n unpaired structres?
When heart relaxes
person respires
peristalsis movements occur
bile is produced
heart gets filled with blood
Q. When a response is obtained by the combined effect of many stimuli, the phenomenon is known as
- action potential
- summation
- reflex action
- None of the above
Q. Assertion (A): Stimulus is interpreted by the brain and not by sense organs.
Reason (R): Sense organs act as transducers, transforming the stimulus energy.
Reason (R): Sense organs act as transducers, transforming the stimulus energy.
- Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
- Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
- Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
- Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are false.
Q. The 3rd, 6thand11th cranial nerves are respectively
- oculomotor, abducens and accessory
- oculomotor, trigeminal and accessory
- optic, facial and accessory
- trochlear, abducens and vagus
Q. Which one regulates heart beat?
- Purkinje fibres
- Cardiac branch of vagus nerve
- SA node
- AV node.
Q. The number of pairs of cranial nerves arising from the brain of frog is?
- 10
- 9
- 7
- 8
Q. Injury to vagus nerve in human is not likely to affect
- Tongue movements
- Gastrointestinal movements
- Pancreatic secretion
- Cardiac movements
Q. Neoteny is found in
- Tadpole
- Salamander
- Hyla
- Axolotl
Q. How does the length of a neuron affect the speed with which the nerve impulse Travels along it?
Q. Which of the two are the extra cranial nerve found in rabbit
- Glossopharangeal and hypoglossal
- Glossopharangeal and spinal accessory
- Spinal accessory and hypoglossal
- Pneumogastricand hypoglossal