Cross Hybridisation of the Selected Parents
Trending Questions
What is the bagging technique? How is it useful in a plant breeding program?
Q. The cattle egret and grazing cattle shows:
- Amensalism
- Commensalism
- Mutualism
- Competition
Q. The main objectives of animal breeding is
- to obtain increased yield and better quality of products.
- to develop breeds with longer productive life.
- to reduce the reproductive rate in animals.
- to develop disease resistant breeds of animals.
- 1, 2 and 3
- 1 and 2
- 1, 2 and 4
- Only 4
Q. (a) As a senior biology student you have been asked to demonstrate to the students of secondary level in your school, the procedure(s) that shall ensure cross-pollination in a hermaphrodite flower. List the different steps that you would suggest and provide reasons for each one of them.
(b) Draw a diagram of a section of a megasporangium of an angiosperm and label funiculus, micropyle, embryo sac and nucellus. [5]
(b) Draw a diagram of a section of a megasporangium of an angiosperm and label funiculus, micropyle, embryo sac and nucellus. [5]
Transgenic plants are developed by?
State the disadvantage of inbreeding among cattle and how it can be overcome.
Q. Which of the following features is/ are common to both wind and water pollinated flowers?
I. Pollen grains are long and ribbon-like
II. Stigma is large and feathery
III. Flowers are not colourful
IV. Flowers do not produce nectar
I. Pollen grains are long and ribbon-like
II. Stigma is large and feathery
III. Flowers are not colourful
IV. Flowers do not produce nectar
- III and IV
- II and III
- I and II
- II
- II
Q. Heterosis (hybrid vigor) is desirable in vegetatively propagated plants because:
- Heterosis is maintained for a longer duration
- Vegetative reproduction helps to multiply fast
- These plants are easy to cultivate
- It is due to homozygosity
Q. While planning for an artificial hybridization programme involving dioecious plants, which of the following steps would not be relevant.
- Bagging of female flower
- Dusting of pollen on stigma
- Collection of pollen
- Emasculation
Q. In Himgiri, Karan Rai, pusa Gaurav, pusa sem-2, pusa snowball k-1, pusa A-4 and pusa komal, how many crops are disease resistance and pest resistance respectively?
- 4, 4
- 4, 3
- 2, 5
- 6, 1
Q. Which one of the following statements is correct?
- Hydrophilous plants produce small, dry, and winged pollen grains
- Coconut plants exhibit hydrophily
- In Zostera, the pollen grains are ribbon like and without exine.
- Hay fever is caused exclusively by pollen released by hydrophilous flowers
Q. In maize, hybrid vigour is exploited by:
- Inducing mutations
- Bombarding the seeds with DNA
- Crossing of two inbreed parental lines
- Harvesting seeds from the most productive plants
Q. Commonly the pollen tube enters the ovule through
- Funicle
- Chalaza
- Hilum
- Micropyle
The process of crossbreeding two different varieties of crop plants each having the desired characteristics is known as:
More than 70% of the livestock population is in
India and China
Q. The given figure shows the pollination by water in Vallisneria. Find out the correct matching.

- a-female flower, b-male flower, d-female flower, c-stigma
- a-female flower, b-male flower, c-female flower, d-stigma
- b-female flower, a-male flower, d-female flower, c-stigma
- d-female flower, c-male flower, a-female flower, b-stigma
Which part of the stamen consists of pollen grains?
Q. Heterosis (hybrid vigor) is desirable in vegetatively propagated plants because:
- Heterosis is maintained for a longer duration
- These plants are easy to cultivate
- Vegetative reproduction helps to multiply fast
- It is due to homozygosity
Q. Assertion :Hisardale is cross breed of sheep. Reason: Hisardale is developed by crossing Bikaneri ewe and Marino ram.
- Both Assertion and Reason are correct and Reason is the correct explanation for Assertion
- Both Assertion and Reason are correct but Reason is not the correct explanation for Assertion
- Assertion is correct but Reason is incorrect
- Both Assertion and Reason are incorrect
Q. Wind pollinated flowers are
Small, producing large number of dry pollens
Large producing abundant nectar and pollens
Small, producing nectar and dry pollens
Small, brightly coloured, producing a large number of pollen grains
Q. A pure line tall pea plant was grown in nutrient deficient soil which resulted in its stunted growth. After crossing it with a dwarf pea plant, _______________.
- all the offspring were dwarf
- all the offspring were tall
- 50% offspring were tall and 50% offspring were dwarf
- 75% offspring were tall and 25% offspring were dwarf
Q. Wind pollinated plants generally do not show the character
- Feathery stigmas
- Well exposed stamens
- Single ovule in the ovary
- Flowers are large and colourful
Q. Suggest four important steps to produce a disease resistant plant through conventional plant breeding technology. [2]
Q. Read the following statements (1- 4). Which of the following statements are true related to disadvantages of natural breeding.
- Requirement of a large space for mating the animals.
- Requirement of expensive laboratory facilities and expert staffs for carrying out breeding techniques.
- Huge expenditure on rearing and feeding the animals.
- More expenditure on vaccination and disease treatment of the animals throughout the year.
- 2 and 3
- 1 and 3
- 3 and 4
- 1, 3 and 4
Q. Yellow mosaic virus resistant variety "Parbhani kranti" is a type of which of the following?
- Bhindi
- Barley
- Chilli
- Cauliflower
Q. Plants with one or few ovules are generally pollinated by
- Birds
- Butterflies
- Wind
- Bees
Q. Which one of the following statements is correct?
- Hay fever is caused exclusively by pollen released by hydrophilous flowers
- Coconut plants exhibit hydrophily
- In Zostera, the pollen grains are ribbon like and without exine.
- Hydrophilous plants produce small, dry, and winged pollen grains
Q. Mention the strategy used to increase homozygosity in cattle for desired traits. [3]
Define hybridization.
Q. An old breeding technique is
- Introduction
- Selection
- Mutation breeding
- Hybridisation