Development from Zygote to Blastocyst
Trending Questions
What is the difference between totipotent cells and pluripotent cells?
Is a morula stage before blastocyst?
Cleavage in the fertilised egg of humans
Is discoidal
Starts in uterus
Is meroblastic
Starts when egg is in fallopian tube
- Nucellus and antipodals
- Egg nucleus and secondary nucleus
- Megaspore mother cell and antipodal cells
- Egg cell and antipodal cells
(j) Zygote divides to form
- I - Zygote, II - Ovum, III - Morula, IV - Blastocyst, V - Implantation of blastocyst
- I - Ovum, II - Morula, III - Zygote, IV - Blastocyst, V - Implantation of blastocyst
- I - Ovum, II - Zygote, III - Morula, IV - Blastocyst, V- Implantation of blastocyst
- I - Ovum, II - Zygote, III - Blastocyst, IV - Morula, V - Implantation of blastocyst
The embryo at the 16-celled stage is known as
Write about cleavage.
- Synergid, zygote, primary endosperm nucleus
- Synergid, antipodal, polar nuclei
- Antipodal, Synergid, Primary endosperm nucleus
- Synergid, polar nuclei, Zygote
- cleavage occurs
- blastocoel forms
- germinal layers form
- villi form
- 4-8 cells
- 8-16 cells
- 24-30 cells
- 60-72 cells
What is a blastocyst?
How long does blastocyst take to implant?
A | Zona hatching | (i) | mitotic division of the zygote |
B | Trophoblast | (ii) | embedding of the blastocyst in the endometrium |
C | Cleavage | (iii) | blastocyst releasing from zona pellucida |
D | Implantation | (iv) | outer layer of blastocyst attached to the endometrium |
- A- (iii), B-(iv), C-(i), D-(ii)
- A- (ii), B-(i), C-(iii), D-(iv)
- A- (ii), B-(iv), C-(iii), D-(i)
- A- (iii), B-(i), C-(ii), D-(iv)
Which layer of blastocyst is nutritive in function?
In the transport of ovum in the female reproductive system, a process known as ‘A’ occurs and the ‘B’ division starts as the zygote moves through the ‘C’ of the oviduct towards the ‘D’. Identify A, B, C and D.
- A→Blastulation, B→Meiotic, C→Ampulla , D→Uterus
- A→Parturition, B→Meiotic, C→Infundibulum, D→Uterus
- A→Implantation, B→Mitotic, C→Fimbriae, D→ Ovary
- A→Cleavage, B→ Mitotic, C→Isthmus, D→ Uterus
At the time of implantation, the human embryo is called:
(i) Cleavage divisions bring about considerable increase in the mass of protoplasm.
(ii) With more cleavage divisions, the resultant blastomeres become smaller and smaller.
(iii) The blastomeres in the blastocyst are arranged into two layers, trophoblast and endometrium.
(iv) Cleavage divisions result in a solid ball of cells called morula.
Which of the above two statements are correct?
- (i) and (iii)
- (ii) and (iv)
- (i) and (ii)
- (iii) and (iv).
How is embryo protected inside uterus?
Why in humans embryo gets attached to the uterine wall?
Cleavage in the fertilised egg of humans
Starts in uterus
Is meroblastic
Starts when egg is in fallopian tube
Is discoidal
Complete the following by using suitable words
The embryo inside the uterus is protected from jerks or mechanical shocks by __________.
- I - Zygote, II - Ovum, III - Morula, IV - Blastocyst, V - Implantation of blastocyst
- I - Ovum, II - Morula, III - Zygote, IV - Blastocyst, V - Implantation of blastocyst
- I - Ovum, II - Zygote, III - Morula, IV - Blastocyst, V- Implantation of blastocyst
- I - Ovum, II - Zygote, III - Blastocyst, IV - Morula, V - Implantation of blastocyst
What is the difference between blastulation and gastrulation?
- cleavage occurs
- blastocoel forms
- germinal layers form
- villi form
Morula differs from the blastula in the
Absence of cavity
Presence of cavity
Absence of yolk
None of these

- E
- A
- B
- None of the above
- starts in uterus
- starts when fertilised egg is in fallopian tube
- results in the formation of embryo with 8-16 blastomeres called as blastocyst
- starts in cervix
- Amount of yolk
- Number of cells
- Number of mitochondria in the sperm
- Number of testes