Trending Questions
Which of the following 'suffixes' used for units of classification in plants indicates a taxonomic category of 'family'?
(a) -Ales
(b) -Onae
(c) -Aceae
(d) -Ae
What are 2 characteristics of flowering plant?
Q. Epithets of classification of human beings are given below:
(1) Primata (2) Hominidae (3) Homo (4) Mammalia (5) Chordata (6) sapiens
Arrange these epithets according to taxonomic hierarchy in
(1) Primata (2) Hominidae (3) Homo (4) Mammalia (5) Chordata (6) sapiens
Arrange these epithets according to taxonomic hierarchy in
- 5, 4, 2, 1, 3, 6
- 5, 4, 1, 2, 3, 6
- 4, 5, 1, 2, 3, 6
- 4, 5, 2, 1, 3, 6
Q. In which plant will you look for mycorrhiza and coralloid roots? Also explain what these terms mean.
What is the botanical name of gram?
Dryopithecus is more similar to
Group of related species is called _______.
Q. Select the incorrect statement with respect to the category, 'genus'.
- It is a group or assemblage of related species
- A genus essentially possesses more than one number of species
- Lion, tiger, leopard and jaguar are closely related species which have been placed in the genus Panthera and are respectively named as Panthera leo, P. tigris, P. pardus and P. onca
- Solanum, Penicillium, Withania and Canis are the examples of genera
Q. Which among the following taxons include genera with similar characteristics?
- Species
- Order
- Phylum
- Family
Which class do human beings to?
What are the characteristic features of organisms belonging to the order Mammalia?
Q. Petunia, Datura and Nicotiana belong to family
- Liliaceae
- Solanaceae
- Poaceae
- Fabaceae
Q. The families, Convolvulaceae and Solanaceae are included in the order Polymoniales mainly on the basis of
- Morphological characters
- Floral characters
- Both (a) and (b)
- Vegetative characters
Q. The category of the family lies between:
- genus and species
- order and genus
- phylum and genus
- kingdom and class
Q. is a taxon that include genera with similar characteristic features.
- Species
- Order
- Phyla
- Family
Q. Human beings are placed under the class Mammalia because of:
- Presence of mammary glands
- Presence of hair
- Sweat glands
- All of these
Q. Organisms having the potential for interbreeding and producing fertile offspring is called
- Class
- Order
- Genus
- Species
A group of related genera are classified as
Q. Related genera belong to the same?
Q. Which of the following 'Suffixes' used for units of classification in plants indicates a taxonomic category of 'family'?
- -Ales
- -Onae
- -Aceae
- -Ae
Q. In a hierarchical system of plant classification, which one of the following taxonomic ranks generally ends in 'aceae'?
- Order
- Class
- Family
- Genus
Smallest taxon of classification is:
Q. The species (man, housefly, mango, wheat, dog, cat, lion, tiger, potato, brinjal, makoi and leopard) given here belong to how many different families?
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
Q. A group of related genera with still less number of similarities as compared to genus and species constitutes
- Division
- Order
- Family
- Class
Human beings are placed under Primata because of:
Presence of mammary glands
Presence of hair
Sweat glands
Opposable thumb
Q. Scientific name of plant family ends in
- -ales
- -sida
- -eae / aceae
- -ata
Q. Which among the following statements is incorrect about mammals?
- External ears or pinnae are present in all mammals without exception
- Teeth are present in sockets
- The most advanced mammals are the primates
- All mammals are not viviparous
- Only 1
- Both 1 and 2
- Both 1 and 4
- Only 4
Q. The suffix-oidea is used for :
- superfamily
- Family
- Class
- Subfamily
Q. The category of the family lies between:
- genus and species
- order and genus
- phylum and genus
- kingdom and class
Q. The category of family is between
- Phylum and genus
- Genus and species
- Order and genus
- Kingdom and class