Importance of Algae
Trending Questions
What is the difference between enriched media and enrichment media?
Q. Food stored in which of the following algae is similar to glycogen in structure?
- Polysiphonia
- Chara
- Laminaria
- Fucus
Q. Identify the algae used as a food supplement by space travellers.
- Spirulina
- Chlorella
- Both a and b
- Laminaria
Write a note on the economic importance of algae and gymnosperms.
What is the reserve food in rhodophyceae?
What are the photosynthetic pigments of bacteria?
Agar is commercially obtained from
Brown algae
Red algae
Blue green algae
Green algae
Where is agar agar obtained from?
Q. Commercially used carrageenan comes from algae
- that store food as mannitol
- that have phycoerythrin pigment
- that store starch in pyrenoids
- that have fucoxanthin pigment
Q. The largest algae belongs to class
- phaeophyceae
- chlorophyceae
- rhodophyceae
- leucophyceae
Epixylic fungi are
that grow on dung
that grows on wood
that grow on hair
that grows on cloth
Q. Phycobilins occur in
- Green algae
- Blue-green algae
- Red algae
- Both (b) and (c)
Q. Describe the economic importance of algae with suitable examples. (any five)
Q. Identify the algae used as a food supplement by space travellers.
- Spirulina
- Chlorella
- Both a and b
- Laminaria
Make a lsit of algae and fungi that have a commercial value as source of food, chemicals, medicines and fodder.
Q. Commercially used carrageenan comes from algae
- that store food as mannitol
- that have phycoerythrin pigment
- that store starch in pyrenoids
- that have fucoxanthin pigment
Agar is obtained from red algae.
- True
- False
Q. Solid culture medium for cell culture is obtained from:
- Green algae
- Brown algae
- Red algae
- Blue green algae
Q. Which among the following green algae is used by the space travellers as protein supplement?
- Chlorella
- Gelidium
- Gracilaria
- Laminaria
Q. Agar is commercially obtained from____________.
- Blue green algae
- Brown algae
- Red algae
- Green algae
Q. Agar agar is obtained from
- Green algae
- Brown algae
- Red algae
- Blue green algae
Q. Match the lists.
I | II | ||
(a) | Agar agar | 1. | Saccharomyces |
(b) | Biofertilizers | 2. | Basidiomycetes |
(c) | Mushrooms | 3. | Red algae |
(d) | Vitamin B | 4. | Blue-green algae |
5. | Vibrio |
- a−4, b−2, c−3, d−5
- a−5, b−1, c−4, d−2
- a−2, b−3, c−5, d−4
- a−3, b−4, c−2, d−1
Q. Agar-agar is obtained from algae belonging to the class:
- Phaeophyceae
- Rhodophyceae
- Chlorophyceae
- Bacillariophyceae
Q. Agar is commercially got from
- Green algae
- Blue-green algae
- Brown algae
- Red algae
Q. Study the following lists.
List-I List-II
(A) Agar-Agar (I) Saccharomyces
(B) Biofertilizers (II) Basidiomycotina
(C) Mushrooms (III) Red algae
(D) B-Vitamins (IV) Blue green algae
(V) Vibrio
The correct match is
List-I List-II
(A) Agar-Agar (I) Saccharomyces
(B) Biofertilizers (II) Basidiomycotina
(C) Mushrooms (III) Red algae
(D) B-Vitamins (IV) Blue green algae
(V) Vibrio
The correct match is
- (A)- (V), (B)- (I), (C)- (IV), (D)- (II)
- (A)- (IV), (B)- (II), (C)- (III), (D)- (V)
- (A)- (II), (B)- (III), (C)- (V), (D)- (IV)
- (A)- (III), (B)- (IV), (C)- (II), (D)- (I)
Q. From which of the following algae, agar is commercially extracted:
(a) Gracilaria
(b) Fucus
(c) Sargassum
(d) Gelidium
(e) Turbinaria
(a) Gracilaria
(b) Fucus
(c) Sargassum
(d) Gelidium
(e) Turbinaria
- b, c
- a, d
- d, e
- a, b
- c, e
Q. Two algae which produce agar-agar are
- Nostoc and Anabaena
- Volvox and Vaucheria
- Harveyella and Porphyra
- Gracilaria and Gelidium
Protein-rich algae are:
Q. Which of the following algae produces agar-agar?
- Gracilaria
- Gelidium
- Chlamydomonas
- Both A and B
Q. The gell -forming substance called agar is extracted from _______ algae.