Introduction to Nervous System
Trending Questions
What is the difference between ANS, CNS, and SNS?
- Sympathetic nervous system
- Autonomic nervous system
- Somatic nervous system
- Parasympathetic nervous system
Heart beat and breathing are controlled by:
spinal cord
medulla oblongata
Duramater is the outermost layer of the meninges.
- True
- False
- Insects
- Octopus
- Hydra
- Planaria
- Brain
- Pituitary gland
- Emergency gland
- Spinal cord
- Ectoderm
- Endoderm
- Mesoderm
- All of the above
- neurology
- histology
- entomology
- cytology
Briefly explain the following terms:
Polarized state of the neuron
What is the classification of the prosencephalon?

- A - Head, B - Collar, C - Sheath, D -Tail fibre, E - End plate
- A - Head, B - Collar, C - Tail, D - Plate, E – Prongs
- A - Head, B - Collar, C - Tail, D - Plate, E - Pins
- A - Head, B - Tail, C - Collar, D - Prongs, E - Pins
I. . .. A ... are also called as nematocytes.
II .... B ... is seen in Physalia.
III. Meandrina is also known as ... C ....
IV .... D ... is found in Aurelia.
Here A to D refers to
- A-Cnidoblasts, B-Cellular level of organisation, C-Sea fan, D-Bilateral symmetry
- A-Nematocytes, B-Tissue level, C-Sea pan, D-Radial symmetry
- A-Stinging, B-Cellular level of organisation, C-Sea-cucumber, D-Bilateral symmetry
- A-Cnidocytes, B-tissue-level of organisation, C-Brain coral, D-Radial symmetry
Neuron system and computers share certain common features. Comment in five lines.
does the antipodal cells have any specific function??
Which of the following is used to measure membrane potential?
4. _______is a reflex centre for heartbeat and respiration.
I. The sympathetic nervous system promotes ‘fight or flight’ responses.
II. Organs in the body are only controlled or influenced by either the sympathetic or the parasympathetic nervous system
III. The parasympathetic nervous system promotes food digestion and relaxation in the body
A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. I, II and III
Peripheral nervous system consists of _______ and _________ nerves.
- Corpus callosum
- Cerebellum
- Hypothalamus
- Association areas
- Ectoderm
- Endoderm
- Mesoderm
- All of the above
- points devoid of myelin sheath
- short branched processes
- fine fibres in the neuroplasm
- point of contact between two neurons
The left and right cerebral hemispheres are connected by
Corpus callosum
- Intercellular communication
- Coordination of diverse activities
- Maintaining homeostasis
- Carrying oxygen
- Sphygmomanometer
- Electrocardiography
- Electroencephalography
- CT Scan
Limbic system along with
Cerebral cortex
- Ectoderm
- Endoderm
- Mesoderm
- Both A and B
Which of the following generally transmit nerve impulse only to the cyton/cell body?
Synaptic knob
Node of Ranvier
- Sympathetic nervous system, voluntary
- Sympathetic nervous system, involuntary
- Parasympathetic nervous system, involuntary
- Both SNS and PNS involuntary
Limbic system along with
Cerebral cortex