Trending Questions
- rhizoids, thallus and capsule
- foot, seta and capsule
- thallus, seta and capsule
- foot, thallus and seta
Reason: Tapetum performs the function of protection and help in dehiscence of anther to release pollen grains.
- Both assertion and reason are incorrect.
- Both assertion and reason are correct.
- Assertion is correct but reason is incorrect.
- Assertion is correct but reason does not explain it.
- foliose
- rhizoids
- protonema
- gemmae cups
- Anthoceros
- Riccia
- Marchantia
- Pellia
I. Formation of sporophyte
II. Spore germination
III. Formation of gametophyte
IV. Gamete formation
V. Reductional division
VI. Formation of spores
VII. Syngamy
Identify the labeled parts in the given diagram of Marchantia.
A - Rhizophore B - Gemma cup C - Rhizoids
A - Archegoniophere B - Gemma cup C - Roots
A - Archegoniophere B - Gemma cup C - Rhizoids
A - Gemma cup B - Archegoniophere C - Rhizoids
- Chara
- Marchantia
- Date palm
- Papaya
- Motile sperms
- Photosynthetically independent sporophyte
- Presence of archegonium
- Water essential for fertilization
- Dioecious
- Monoecious
- Heterothallic
- Either monoecious or dioecious
- Spore formation
- Gametic formation
- Spore germination
- Zygote formation
- Protonema
- Vegetative body
- Antheridia
- Archegonia
P Q R Standard Wing Keel P Q R Standard Keel Wing P Q R Wing Keel Carina P Q R Standard Keel Carina
Liverworts are the members of
Which plant has Archegonia but lack seed formation?
- Dioecious
- Monoecious
- Heterothallic
- Either monoecious or dioecious
Where does the protonema stage in mosses develop from?
- Riccia
- Funaria
- Maize
- Marchantia
- Vitamin-A–Fat soluble–Night blindness
- Vitamin-K–Fat soluble–Beri-Beri
- Vitamin-A–Fat soluble–Beri-Beri
- Vitamin-K–Water soluble–Pellagra
Liverworts are the members of
What is a gametophyte and what is a sporophyte?
When and where does reduction division take place in the life cycle of a liverwort, a moss, a fern, a gymnosperm and an angiosperm?
(a) Gametophyte and sporophyte
(b) Megasporophyll and microsporophyll
(c) Antheridia and archegonia
(d) Liverworts and mosses
- Independent gametophyte
- Well developed vascular system
- Archegonia
- Flagellate spermatozoids
What Is Forked Branching?
- Ascorbic acid - Scurvy
- Retinal - Xerophthalmia
- Cobalamin - Beri-beri
- Calciferol - Pellagra
What is inside a Nematocyst?
- a and c
- a and b
- b and c
- a, b and c
- Elaters
- Indusium
- Calyptra
- Peristome teeth
(i) They are specialised structures by which asexual reproduction take place in liverworts.
(ii) They are green, multicellular and asexual buds.(iii) They develop in small receptacles called gemma cups.
(iv) They detach from the parent body and germinate to form new individuals.- (i) and (ii)
- (ii) and (iii)
- (i), (ii) and (iii)
- (i), (ii), (iii) and (iv)